Chapter 5: The Jedi Home Front

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UNCHARTED: The Treasure of the Jedi

If you want something you never had. You have to do something you've never done. –Unknown

"This... is... crazy..."

Nate was standing hiding behind a corner in the Jedi temple. After running through a hallway big enough to fit one or more of those metal crates he saw back at the docks, he opened another door to find himself in a VERY long and big hallway. He could look to his left and his right and find that this hallway goes on for what seems like miles. "This place looks smaller on the outside." Nate thought aloud. As he kept walking quietly he did his best to avoid running into any of the so called Jedi that wondered the halls. He saw some humans walking around but he also saw his fair share of aliens too. Even some new kinds as he passed by with them unaware of his presence. If he were to be found it would not only spell trouble, but with no cloak to hide his pistol on him would only lead to more conflict. Nate wanted as little of that as possible. Especially if all these people have those glowing swords like the other three he had been chased by yesterday. And from taking quick glances every once in a while, he could see similar looking devices on their belts. Yeah that would be bad. At one point he even saw a group of alien and human kids running around, all with the same handles for glowing swords too. 'ok... forget bb guns lets give the kids damn laser swords for Christmas...'

After a good ten to twenty minutes of sneaking around and hiding from passing Jedi he was able to make his way to a Giant room. This place was huge with two floors. It had to be at least a football field tall and two football fields long. The entire place was dark with the exceptions of it being lit by the windows at the far end and the hundreds upon thousands of dim blue lights coming off of what looked like huge bookshelves. If Nate weren't trying to keep himself hidden, he would've stayed taken in the sight all day. However, he had a purpose being there and he didn't want to stay and get distracted... for long.

Out of habit when he crept along on of the long bookshelves he grabbed one of the dim blue lights to examine it. The end felt like it was some kind of metal but the rest was made of glass! There had been tests to put images on clear glass back in the U.S. for the future technology instead of behind a screen of a TV or a computer. But these people had GLASS tablets. Tablets back at home were some of the newer and most tech-y things to buy for the public. Nate personally never wanted one. He felt it'd take up too much space. He didn't even want a smart phone. He always used the same flip phone that Sully had bought for him when Nate turned 17. He always kept it and treated it like it was his own personal treasure. But what he felt in his hands was probably worth more than an entire chest of Spanish gold. He pressed a small button on the metal end and watched in awe as the glass started glowing, then flashes of images and words and numbers and all sorts of information started flashing across the glass. It was starting to bug him so he covered his eyes for a second. When the light died down it ended on an image of the temple itself with the words "History of the Jedi Temple" under it. He moved his finger and swiped up like you would with a smart phone and sure enough it acted like it would with a smart phone. A very detailed looking explanation of the Jedi temple was underneath the picture with other small pictures around in an article style format. 'This must be what books are like here. Jesus and I thought America was becoming addicted to tech. At least there are still some books around back home.' Unfortunately Nate didn't have time to read it all and only got through two sentences before pressing the button again turning the device off and putting it back on the shelf where he got it, removing any evidence he was there.

He continued his path down the bookshelf and peeked around the corner. To his surprise he didn't see any Jedi in the room. He double checked and even looked behind him. Nothing. So he took a leap of faith and walked into the open. Getting a better view of the upper level. It looked almost identical with the lower level with the exception of the windows on the wall at the end. Nate walked over to one of the desks in the middle of the room. He watched it carefully and then sat down. feeling the world spin for a couple seconds. The effects of him losing blood were still taking affect but at least it was better than when he was shot and hanging off a derailed train in the Himalayas trying to find Chloe. 'speaking of, I wonder what Chloe is up to? Last I heard her and Cutter were going off to do separate jobs but meet back up in Boston. Agh, focus Nate.' He shook his head of the thoughts and leaned onto the desk. He was wondering if there was any kind of computer here like there would be at libraries at home. Considering that this was the library that Dexter had told him about. He took one last look around. 'Yeah I'm pretty sure this is the place' he thought. If Sully were there he would've just looked at him in with a 'really...?' kind of stare on his face. On the desk there was a similar button on the side like there had been on the glass tablet like device on the shelf, he pressed it and a glowing blue box took light in front of his eyes. It was kind of like a computer in a way, a computer were made of light that looked like some kind of hologram from a another sci fi movie. 'good enough for me.' Nate thought and started to try to look for a map.

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