Chapter 4

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"You did what?"  Erza said.

"I-uh rekindled a romantic-ish relationship with Natsu..."  I shifted Nashi on my lap.  "Quick question, is she just cramming them into her mouth, or is she actually swallowing them?"

"She's just chewing,"  Erza replied.  I sighed.

"Come on sweetie, swallow."  I moved her plate away from her.  She let out a muffled cry and reached for the plate.  Nashi squirmed, trying to get to it. 

"Swallow first, then more grapes."  I turned back to Erza.  "I think I love him, Erza."  

"Did you ever stop?"  She asked.

"No."  I said, "What colour is your top?"  I asked Nashi.

"Uh - People!"  She said.  I pulled the grapes back over, and she immediately grabbed one.

"Good girl,"  I stroked her hair.  "It's complicated though."  She didn't know about how the relationship had started.  I stopped.  That was three years ago!  I'd just finished my A-levels before Nashi came. 

"Of course it is."  Erza replied, "You have Nashi to think about, you barely have your life sorted out and he's practically a celebrity."

"Ugh."  I lay my head on top of Nashi's.  "Why is life so hard?"

"My finished mummy."  She said.  "All gone."

"Up you get."  I lifted her off my lap.  She immediately ran off, and I turned my attention back to Erza.

"What do I do?"  I cried out.

"Just wait it out.  Take it slow, don't rush things."  Erza said.  "Think about it carefully, don't do anything rash, like sleeping with him."  I mentally banged my head against the table.

"Good night sweetie."  I kissed her forehead and tucked her in.

"My stay with mummy,"  Nashi said, holding her hands out at me.  I smiled and got in the bed next to her.  She beamed at me, before settling down.  

"I love you, sweetie."  I murmured, stroking her hair.  A few minutes later and she was asleep.  I eased away from her and walked through to the kitchen.  I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.


"Hey,"  I heard Natsu's voice, "Is the little monster still awake?"

"No, I just put her to bed,"  I said, tucking my mobile between my ear and shoulder, whilst I filled the kettle and put it on the hob.

"How are you?"  I asked.

"I'm good.  I miss you, though,"  He said, "I wish you were here."  I felt my cheeks heat up, and I took my phone back into my hand.

"What are you doing?"  

"Finishing up some work, you?"

"Making a cup of tea."  I said, "Since I got her to bed early, I thought I might have a bit of me time, do some writing or something."

"That's a good idea."  He said.  I heard something clatter to the floor.  "Shit."

"Are you OK?"  I asked as I poured my tea.

"Yeah.  I just dropped a stapler."  His voice replied.  "Nothing bad."

"I-I should get going, I can't keep you if you have work.  I don't want to stop you if you have to do it."  I said hastily.

"I called you, it's no biggie."  He replied.  

"Still... I don't want to stop you from work."

"If you insist."  He chuckled.  "I'll stop calling."

Half an hour later I heard the doorbell ring, groggily, I moved from the sofa to open the door.  

"Hey,"  Natsu said.  

"What are you doing here?"  I asked, surprised.

"I wanted to see you."  I smiled at him, letting him inside.

"Nice place."  He said.  I laughed.

"It's not really."  I moved over to the kitchen.  "Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee."  I felt him behind me, then his head was on my shoulder and his arms wound around my waist.

"No milk, no sugar."  He murmured, kissing my neck.  

"Isn't that really bitter?"  I asked, turning around to him.  He kissed my lips gently.

"I prefer it that way,"  Natsu replied, kissing me again.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood up on my toes to reach him better.  He smiled against my lips, pulling me tighter.  His hand slipped lower and I stopped it.

"Not, right now."  I gasped, breaking away from him.  He nodded.

"Can I, check on her?"  He asked.

"Sure, just be quiet,"  I said.   "She's a nightmare when she wakes up but she'll probably love it if you accidentally wake her."  I laughed, thinking of how many tantrums I'd had to deal with because she wanted to see Natsu.

"She's lovely when she's asleep,"  He said from the doorway.

"Mm."  I moved to stand next to him.  "She can be lovely when she's awake."  I leaned against him slightly, and he wrapped an arm around me.

"I want this to work."  I looked up at him.  "I really want this to work."

"Me too."  He laced his fingers with mine and softly touched his lips to mine.  Nashi shifted in bed and started crying.

"Oh, sweetie,"  I said, untangling myself from Natsu.

"My tummy hurt."  She wailed. I bounced her up and down, holding her close.

"Look who's here sweetie,"  I showed her Natsu.  "You want to go to daddy?"  She shook her head.

"My want mummy."  She cried.  

"Can you grab that box for me?"  I pointed to a shelf.  "I have some calpol."  I moved down to the sofa and cuddled her close.  Natsu came over, rummaging through the box, then passed me the medicine.  

"Open sweetie."  I held the spoon out to her, and she swallowed.  Nashi made a face at the taste and looked like she wanted to cry again.  

"Do you want some milky?"  I asked.  She nodded.  I felt Natsu's gaze on me as I lifted my shirt up.  Nashi latched on and I cradled her close.  Natsu moved around to sit next to me.  I smiled at him.

"Did you want to stay over?"  I asked.  "The three of us could sleep together?"

"I'd like that."  

I held Nashi's sleeping form and tucked her under the covers.  

"I don't have anything you can wear,"  I said to Natsu.  "Will you be ok?"


"Lemme just change into my pyjamas,"  I said, pulling out the clothes.  "I'm gonna go to the bathroom.  I have some spare toothbrushes if you want one."

When I returned to the room, Natsu was already in bed with Nashi, both of them asleep.  I got into the bed on the other side of Nashi, my movements making Natsu open his eyes.  He smiled at me, before brushing my hair.  He leaned over Nashi and gave me a peck on the lips.  Everything felt just the way it should be, almost perfect.


People = Purple

 This was a hard chapter.  I was stuck on like, 300 words, then started writing today, and everything just flowed.

Thank you all so much for 1000 followers, I appreciate it.  Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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