Chapter 10

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I stared at the computer screen, trying to find words.  Natsu put a mug of tea in front of me.

"Thanks,"  I said, twisting my head around to smile at him.  He pecked my lips, moving behind me to massage my shoulders, gently.

"How's writing?"  He asked.

"Difficult,"  I replied.  "I've told my story to you, and now I don't know what to write about."  I twisted in my chair so I was fully facing him.  

"It's hard to come up with ideas."  Natsu said, "I know a lot of our clients struggle with it."

"It's annoying.  I want to write, but I can't."  Natsu smiled and kissed me again.  

"You'll think of something."  He said.  "I'm going to take Nashi to playgroup now, and when I get back, you will have written something for me."

"No, I can't,"  I whined, "Let me take her to get my mind off of things."  Natsu shook his head.

"You write, I take.  If you have something for me to read when I get back, maybe we can do something special."  He insisted, laughing.  "Now drink your tea, and write."  He brushed my hair away from my face and kissed my forehead. 

"Ok..."  I groaned.


"What have you written?"  Natsu asked me.  I moved over to sit on the sofa next to him with my laptop.  He read the page as I curled up into his side.

"I can't think of anything to write.  Everything I write sucks."  He read aloud.  "Well, at least you wrote something."

"It's a story about how I can't write a story,"  I explained to him.  "I like to think of it as writing therapy."

"I think it's well written.  Rather ironic for a piece of writing about being unable to write."  He laughed.  "And now for the something special I promised."

"What?"  I pushed myself up to look at him.  Without saying anything, he lifted me up and carried me to his room.  I squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Tu me mets bas!"  I squealed.

"I didn't know you spoke French,"  Natsu said.

"I did it at a level,"  I replied.

"The language of love."  He murmured, putting me down on the bed and kissing me.

"Oui, mon amour.  Je t'aime."  I said between kisses.  I felt him smile against my lips as he began a mission of removing my clothes.  I retaliated, pulling off his shirt.  I pressed my hands against his chest, feeling the contours of his body.  As I brushed his skin, Natsu let out a low groan.  He too stroked my body, running his palms up my stomach and to my breasts.

"You know, I'm not great with French, so maybe speak in English,"  Natsu said as he kissed my neck.

"Ok,"  I said, my hands travelling down to between his legs.  "I won't use French.  I love you.  In French and English."

"I love you too."


"I'll go get Nashi."  Natsu untangled me from him and started getting dressed.

"I'll come too,"  I said, pulling on my bra, "Maybe we could go out for dinner afterwards.  It's Fish Friday at Wetherspoons."

"Ok."  Natsu smiled, "Let's go."  He leaned forward to kiss me, what started out as a quick peck on the lips heating up rapidly, all thoughts of putting on clothes slipping from our minds.  I pushed back before it could go any further.

"Nashi.  We can finish this later."  I said.



"Did you enjoy dinner?"  I asked Nashi as I carried her into the house  She nodded sleepily, and I stroked her head.  "Let's get you to bed, shall we."  I took her into her bedroom and started getting out her pyjamas ready.

"Come on, can you put your pyjamas on?"  I asked, Nashi started putting them on slowly, which naturally led to me helping her.  "What story do you want?"  

"Mermaid."  She mumbled.  I smiled and got the book she wanted.  I read to her before tucking her into bed, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Here,"  I was met by Natsu in the kitchen, holding out a glass of wine for me.

"Thank you,"  I smiled.  "What's this for?" 

"No reason."  He smiled back at me.  "I just thought it'd be nice.  I don't know."  

"Ok."  I laughed, taking a sip.  "I know we said about 'continuing earlier' but can we just watch a film or something instead?"

"Yeah, sure."  Natsu said, moving over to the living room.  "What do you want to watch?"

"I don't really care, whatever you want.  As long as it's not horror or 'Trolls',  I know Nashi loves it, but it's starting to grate on me at this point."  I replied, going to sit on the sofa.

"I'm not a fan either."  Natsu laughed.  "Come here."  He patted his side and I curled into him.

"This is nice.  What do you say we go somewhere tomorrow?  Like Chatsworth Gardens, Nashi can play in the water thing."  I said.

"Sounds fun.  Can we go in the afternoon?"  Natsu asked, "I have work to do in the morning."

"Yeah.  You work, and I shall try to write."  I laughed.

"You won't try.  You will."  Natsu kissed me.

"What film even is this?"  I asked.

"I don't know, I just put on the first one I saw.  Come on, let's watch whatever this is."  I moved closer to him, resting my hand on his thigh.  I felt him kiss the top of my head, his arm snaking around my waist.

"Hey Lucy."  He murmured.


"Do you wanna move in with me?"  Natsu asked.


"I was thinking it through, and I want to be with you all the time.  So I wondered if you wanted to move in with me."  He said, locking eyes with me

"Really?"  I asked.

"Really."  He said.

"Ok."  I kissed him.  "Ok.  As long as Nashi can come too."  Natsu laughed and kissed me back, pulling me closer.

"I love you so much."  He said.

"I love you so much too."


This chapter was so hard to write.  I have so much inspiration to write and I'm loving writing... just not this story...  I'm just trying to finish it now, so I can then move on to the next one.

I hope you like this, the last chapter of Room 81...

There will be an epilogue.  At the end of that will be a poll type thing for my next story, and I'll discuss a few of my creative choices and inspirations for this story.  If you have any questions about the process etc, feel free to leave them.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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