Chapter 8 - Christmas Special

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~Two months later~

"Happy two month anniversary." Natsu kissed me on the cheek as he placed a bauble on the tree.

"What?" I asked.

"Two months ago today, we declared are love for each other." He said, continuing to put up decorations.

"You kept track of that?" I laughed. "I can barely remember Nashi's birthday."

"That's a bald-faced lie." Natsu said, "You know exactly when it is."

"True." I said.

"I want to celebrate." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around my waist, and placing a kiss on my lips.

"You do?" I kissed him back, "And what would that entail?"

"I thought we could go out for dinner," He smiled, "And spend the evening to ourselves."

"What about Nashi?" I asked.

"We can get her a babysitter." He said. "Or a friend can look after her." I nodded, and wound my arms around his neck kissing him again.

"Will we be able to find someone on such short notice?" I asked. Natsu looked at me guiltily.

"I asked someone last week." He admitted, "I wanted today to be special." He moved away from me to place a bauble on the tree.

"And I've booked at a restaurant, and a hotel room for us to stay the night, and have a mini holiday to celebrate." He said. I chuckled behind him.

"It sounds wonderful." I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his back. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said, awkwardly putting his hands behind him to hug me, but accidentally hitting me in the face. "Sorry." He turned around and rested his chin on my head, as I adjusted myself to the new position.

"Can I at least pay for some of it?"  I asked.  Natsu looked down at me and grinned.

"Consider it repayment for the suffering I made you go through."  He said.

"I think you've already made up for it."  I murmured.  I moved onto my tip toes to kiss him.  His tongue slipped into my mouth, and his hands cupped my bottom to lift me up.  I wrapped my arms around his waist as our lips parted for a breath, before meeting again.

"Am I heavy?"  I said between kisses.

"A bit,"  He smirked, "But my love for you gives me super strength."  I burst out laughing, before indicating to him to put me down.

"What time are we going out?"  I asked.



"Wow, Lucy,"  Natsu breathed, "You look amazing."

"I don't think I've dressed up like this since year 13 prom."  I laughed.  "It's nice to have an excuse once in a while."

"I'm glad I proposed this idea."  He said, pressing his lips to mine briefly, before opening the car door.  "Milady."

I smiled at him, "Milord."  Natsu shut the door behind me and moved to the driver's side.  "Where are we going?"  I asked.

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