Alder'inian 2.0

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For the last few months I have made almost no progress. Nein, zilch, nada progresso.... (Illeandir's language skills at their finest)

But today I have made a major breakthrough!

*bugles sound in the distance*

I have mastered the longest phrase in Alder'inian to date!

(When I say mastered I mean I barely have a grip on the phonetics)

Anyway, here is said longest phrase

Sin Srandien'eil Dia sa lein'ena. Van Srandien'eil Dia sa fre'ena una sessin'ena. Veil Qil'eil Dia sa aseil'ena. Sun Blud'eil Dia sa shaler'ena. Sin Srandien'eil Dia sa yarie'dies.

It was a lot of work because I kept mistranslating stuff and mixing the words around. I'm not very good at this, but I kinda enjoy it.

al Briena Kadire: The Lore of AlderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora