Trope Count

35 7 36

I'm putting this here because it revolves exclusively around my world and the people and characters in it.

Created by nightwraith17 for autumn_sunfire

Like Verity said in hers, you should check it out it's fascinating, this is not me bashing on the following tropes. Some of these are very near and dear to me and I love to use them. I will be using Dragon Nymph for this, some of may have read it, others have probably heard a lot about it. It's currently being rewritten, slowly because of college, but it is my most complete work as of right now. Basically, I will take Dragon Nymph through each of these tropes and see how many it has. I might bring up War Doves a couple of times or just lore in general. Again, not bashing in tropes, each one can be used and work wonderfully in a story, so don't be afraid to use one or multiple of them. We only learn to write by writing, even if it is the most cliche thing, you're learning and that's what matters.

1). The Chosen One: Character finds out they are crucial to a prophecy or something.

No prophecies in Dragon Nymph any more, I did have one about a mirror and some shenanigans, but it was clunky and frankly, not well done nor did if fit into the very strict and limited magic system I have set up, which will hopefully become it's own chapter here soon. Now, if we go to War Doves... I'll leave that there. But, in Dragon Nymph, no such thing anymore. 

Score: 0/18

2). The Secret Heir: Character finds out they were kidnapped, etc., and is actually the child of royalty.

This also does not happen in DN. It happens in another place that I can't tell you about because spoilers and it also isn't fleshed out in full, but it's pretty cool if I say so myself. I could tell you another character who is related to royalty, but again, spoilers. Freya and Obsideon are fairly normal people from normal ancestry... kinda, not really. 

Score: 0/18

3). The Evil Overlord: Lord of much evil.

Okay, here's where things get... interesting. See, there isn't one evil overlord for all of Alder, it's just been Glarun for a while now, but even then, he's been keeping Glarun economically stable for some time now. He hasn't tried to take over anything else and distributes power over multiple people in Glarun. Granted they all adhere to his agenda, but I wouldn't classify him as the evil overlord. Definitely not anywhere near Morgoth's level or even Sauron's. He'd be like an ant to them. He may even have a tough time competing with Saruman's destructive power. He's really not a destructive villain in terms of civilian casualties or decimation of land. He's after one thing and just happened to have a position of power to do that. 

Now, the true antagonist of DN is Sebastian, who is bent on the destruction of his so-called  demons, but he isn't at all what would be considered the evil overlord.

Score: 0/18

4). The Reluctant Hero: Character does not want to be a part of the grand and heroic scheme of things.

Ha! That is Freya to perfection. She just wanted to live her life with Philip in Nienerine, despite her penchant for escapades of wild passion and love of all things different. She would much rather live quietly than become central to anything. Obsideon is also kind of a reluctant "hero". But he's been doing it for longer than Freya and is now resigned to it. 

Score: 1/18

5). The Lucky Novice: Character has never performed a task before but turns out to be an expert.

Hmm, I don't think I have this in DN. Freya doesn't even know how to read at the beginning and it's kinda hard to be able to read expertly the first time you crack open a book. She turns out to be a fairly decent sword woman, but only after Obsideon spends literal months teaching her. Even he isn't an expert swords man. Half the reason he beats anyone is because he's quick, adaptive, and a dirty fighter. He doesn't really play by the rules, something he passes on to Freya when she fights. 

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