Too Slow

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Alternative ending to 'Conquer'

"Marco!" Star cried, joy flooding her body as she flung open the doors. The chaos of the scene outside was forgotten for a moment as she readied herself to give Marco the biggest hug of his life.

She ran out, and saw someone with their back to her. A split second later she realised it was Tom.

"Tom?" Star said, confused. She slowly approached, seeing that Tom was bruised and dirty, but other than that he looked unhurt.

"Tom?" Star asked. "What happened? Are you okay?"

She placed a hand on his shoulder to find that it was trembling.

"Tom, what's going on? You're scaring me. Where's Marco-?"

"I'm sorry, Star."

Tom's voice was low and dejected, as though he had lost all hope.

"What do you-"

That's when Star saw the pair of familiar trainers hanging limply from Tom's arms.

"...Marco?" Star whispered, tears prickling in her wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Tom choaked. "I tried."

Star's heart was in her throat as he turned around.

"No..." Star breathed.

Marco lay in Tom's arms, bridal style. He was still wearing the Princess Turdina dress, and it was ripped and bloody. His cut, bruised arms hung down limply, and his head rested against Tom's chest. It was turned away from Star, so she could only see his ruffled hair.

"What's happened to him?" Star said, almost inaudibely. Tears were leaking down her face as she reached out with a shaking hand to Marco. He was unresponsive as she placed her hand on his shoulder. Tom seemed unable to answer, tears pouring in a steady stream from all three of his eyes, cutting salty tracks in the dirt and blood on his face. His lips were pressed tightly together, as though he was trying to stop himself letting out a sob.

"Marco..." Star said. She leaned closer to Tom. Tom closed his eyes and lifted his head to the sky, unable to stop a small cry escaping from his lips.

"Marco? It's me, it's Star." She was crying properly too, now. "Please tell me you're okay."

She pulled on his shoulder, turning his face towards her. It rolled on his neck and Marco stared right at her.

Star uttered a small scream.

Marco's eyes were wide, black, empty and unseeing. His face was bruised and bloody. Star knew what had happened immediately: his soul had been taken.

"No..." She moaned. "No, no, no... Oh, Marco..." She sank to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably.

"He was amazing," Tom whispered. "I was just too slow."

Tom stooped and lowered Marco to the floor. He lay on the ground, broken and silent, his mouth hanging limply open and his deep black eyes unblinking.

Star felt a hand on her back. Looking up, she saw Tom kneeling beside her infront of Marco, comforting her.

"Thank you, Tom. At least you brought him back. Thanks for being here," she said quietly, controlling her sobs and leaning against Tom. He hugged her tightly and replied,

"I'm just sorry I was too slow."

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