Chopped or Sliced

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The first thing Star registered when she came to was the throbbing pain in her head; it felt as though it had been cleaved in two.

She slowly cracked her eyes open and even the low light in this room was harsh on her tired pupils. She went to lift her hand to cover her eyes, but found her arms were bound. Blinking and looking down, she saw she was tied to a chair with masses of thick rope- she couldn't move an inch.

"W... What happened?"

She couldn't remember anything.

Star looked around. She was in a small, dimly lit and very dank square room. The walls were rough stone and the floor was ragged wood. The only light source was a letterbox sized window right at the top of the room. There was a small wooden door on the wall to Star's right, and the wall to her left was held hooks on the stone, on which hung an array of butchery instruments. Star had her back against the wall, and on the opposite wall directly in front of her was-


Marco was chained to the stone wall by his arms. They were pulled taught above his head and attached to shackles which in turn were attached to a pulley. The chains ended in a weight on the floor beside Marco's feet, which were only just touching the ground. Marco looked unhurt but was unconscious, his head lolling onto his chest and his eyes closed.

"Marco!" Star shouted.

He didn't respond.

"Marco! Marco!"

Still nothing.

Before Star could shout again, the door banged open and Toffee entered, stooping through the doorframe. Star growled when she saw him.


"Hello, Star," the lizard smiled.

"What do you want?"

"All will become clear momentarily," Toffee said, almost absently.

He crossed the room to Marco and pinched the boy's cheek with his claw.

"Hm," he said happily. He smiled and turned his head to Star. "Shall we wake him up?"

Toffee clicked his fingers and Boo Fly flew through the doorway with a bucket of water. Toffee took it from him, dismissed him and went over to Marco's limp body.

"No," said Star. "Toffee! No, don't!"

But he had already tipped the bucket of ice cold water over Marco. He jerked and spluttered, yelping awake. For a moment he struggled against the chains, then he stared around, sopping wet, his dark hair plastered to his face and his eyes wide and wild.

"Toffee?" he gasped. Then he looked past the lizard and saw Star tied to the chair.



"Star! Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay, I'm fine, are you?"

"You're tied up! Who-" he rounded on Toffee. "You did this! Did you hurt her? Let her go! Let her go right now-!"

Toffee slapped him across the face.

Star screamed.

Marco grunted, and when Toffee retracted his hand there was a scalding scarlet mark across Marco's cheek.

"Enough," Toffee hissed.

Then he turned his back on them, facing the wall of knives.

Star stared at Marco, trying to speak without words... Their eyes locked.
Star looked at him questioningly, her eyes huge and her worry clear.
Marco kept his head down and looked darkly at Star from under his brows with shining brown eyes. They were sparkling with tears. He looked resigned and he was panting.
When he finally gave a small nod of the head to indicate he was okay, Star let out a sigh of relief.

Toffee turned around, holding a meat cleaver in his clawed hands. His face was passive.

"Now," he said, cold as ever, "shall we begin?"

"Begin what, you stupid lizard?" Marco spat. Star gasped. Toffee turned on him and looked him up and down, considering him.

"I'm going to enjoy this," he murmured. "Even more than I thought I would."

And he look the knife to Marco's thigh.

"How do you like your leg meat, Star?" He asked. "Sliced-" and he cut into Marco's flesh.

"No!" Star howled, tears filling her eyes. Marco screamed and writhed as crimson blood covered his leg and started dripping on the floor. Toffee carefully carved a thin slice of skin and flesh away from the limb and threw it to Star. It landed with a soft, squelching splat, and she recoiled in disgust.
"Or... Chopped?" Toffee asked, raising the knife.
Marco's breathing was already ragged; he was pale green and shaking. His face was twisted up in pain.

"No! Toffee! Please, don't-"

But Toffee was deaf to her pleas, and brought the knife down with a swinging force to Marco's already mutilated thigh. Blood sprayed everywhere and Marco's scream was long and drawn out, almost animalistic, like a wounded boar. Star cried out and struggled frantically against her bonds, but to no avail. She needed to get to him- and needed to help him-

When Toffee let go, the knife staying in Marco's leg. Apparently, his howl of pain annoyed Toffee.

"Shut up," he muttered. Scowling, he slogged him across the face, breaking his jaw with a sickening crunch. Marco spat a mouthful of blood and then vomited colourfully all over Toffee. The lizard leaped back, disgusted, and exited, supposedly to change.

"M-m-Marco!!' Star sobbed, trying to stand up in her chair without toppling over. He choked and coughed violently, spraying the floor with blood. He couldn't speak.

Star couldn't bare it; Toffee was hurting Marco to get to her- to punish her- the injustice of it made her cry.

She had to do something.

She had to get them out.

But how?

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