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Alternative ending to 'Storm the Castle'

Star's POV

Star burst through the large double doors with her wand aloft, her hair crackling with electricity. She was positively spitting with fury. She lept up onto the table and flew towards Toffee, who was sitting in a large straight backed wooden chair at the head of the banquet table. She was about to send a spell right in Toffee's twisted, reptilian face when she saw someone stood behind him.

Someone wearing a suit.

Someone with awfully familiar dark hair, tan skin and a mole on his right cheek...

Marco's POV

Marco's fury and hurt peaked when he saw Star burst through the doors, and the pain in his leg mounted. He did not feel regret.

Earlier that day

"For god's sake, Marco! You're so bloody uptight! I swear to- what are you doing?"

Marco was scraping the remains of the sandwich off the wall.

"What does it look like?" He growled.

"That's still perfectly good food! Stop!"

"Get out of it, Star!" Marco shoved her away. "I've had enough of you telling me what to do for one day!"

Star grabbed his shoulder roughly and yanked him away from the wall.

"Well, now you know how I feel!" She shouted. "You're always telling me what to do! You're so annoying!!"

"Yeah? Well, you're reckless. And immature." Marco spat.

"Immature?" Star laughed, a little manically. "Oh, I'll show you immature, Diaz!"

She picked up a piece of slimy sandwich from the floor and flung it at Marco.

It hit him squarely in the chest.
He looked at her.
She was breathing heavily.
There was a pause.
Then she scowled.

"I hate it when you're like this," she muttered, looking away.

"Like what?" Marco asked, sounding a little hurt.

"This!" Star yelled, pointing at Marco dramatically.

"You just gestured to all of me," he said, rolling his eyes.

"No, I just mean... Urgh! You haven't joined in at all today, and you kept stopping me from having fun, trying to hold me back, as though you don't trust me, as though you don't think I can handle myself or something! I'm sick of being treated like a child! I'm future queen, goddammit! I don't need you. So stop acting like I'll die if you're not around to help me! I hate it! It makes me not want to be your friend! It makes me wonder why we're even friends in the first place!"

With her last sentence, Star flung out her arms in anger and her wand let out a jet of flames. Before seeing where it went, Star stormed to her room and slammed the door behind her.

Marco yelped as the fire hit his leg. He stopped, dropped and rolled, like he had be taught, but this was magic fire.
It didn't go out.
Stupidly, he frantically tried to pat the flames out, and his palms caught alight too.

Marco screamed all the way to the bathroom.

He ran the cold shower over his leg, which extinguished the flames and laid bare his charred jean leg and the angry burns on his tan skin.

Marco hissed in pain, trying to stop the tears from spilling in his eyes; if he started crying he would never stop... It was not just the physical pain that was hurting him.

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