•Math and Skipping• (trigger warning)

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Peter POV:
I saw her and Pietro walk inside and I followed them. I heard them talking about something, but I didn't want to interrupt their conversation, I just decided to ease drop. I hate ease dropping, but I wanted some Idea on why they went inside. 'Did they see me kiss Liz?'

"Wanda I told you that you shouldn't fall for him! He loves her! He will always love her! Wanda you can't fall for a guy that has a girlfriend!" Pietro says, loudly.' She fell for me? Or someone else' I asked myself, I walked a little closer to hear.

"I fell for him BEFORE he started dating Liz, but it's too late for me." Wanda says and walks away from Pietro and to her locker. 'She was talking about me. So she likes me? Or liked me?' Wanda looked hurt and bumped into a few people that pushed her out of their way. I heard someone call her a slut, whore and she deserved what happened to her. My blood was boiling at this point, control yourself, I started storming up to them, but Ned stopped me in my tracks.

I was going to follow her, but I thought it would be a bad time. I just went to my locker and went straight to Math, where I sit next to bother Pietro and Wanda, maybe I could explain what happened with Liz then. I hate Liz, she possibly ruined my friendship with Wanda and Pietro, she also probably ruined my relationship with Wanda.

When I got to class Pietro was already there, so I quietly sat down next to him. He turns to face me, "I will hurt you when we get home Spider boy." Pietro said. "I didn't want to kiss Liz, she kissed me. I love Wanda and I always have, since the day she fought against me. I never want to hurt her, I want to explain what happened to her, but she probably won't believe me." I said to Pietro, Pietro looked understanding,

"You're lucky I know when you're lying Peter. When we get back to the Tower please talk to her. She would appreciate it, she really loves you." Pietro said and class was close to starting and no signs of Wanda. I got a little worried and from the look on Pietro's face he was worried too, class started and Pietro and I waited. She didn't show up. I sighed and started listening to the teacher.

Wanda's POV:

After talking to Pietro about Peter I headed to my locker, I ran into some of Liz's friends. They laughed and said: "You didn't deserve Peter! He's too smart compared to you! Just go kill yourself you worthless freak!" It stung, but I already knew that I was worthless and stupid. I hate myself. I ignored them as I passed them and called me a slut and whore. I'm getting used to bullying, I've been bullied since I came here, but Peter never knew because they would do it while he wasn't around, Pietro was expelled for punching one of the boys after they slapped my butt and called me a slut.

I decided to not go to my last class and stay in the bathroom because I don't want to see Peter, I can't look at him without crying, I want to kiss him so badly, but he still loves Liz, our kiss must've been a mistake. I still have my razor in my pocket, just one cut thats it.

1 cut, god it hurts

2 cuts, its stings

3 cuts, blood dripping down my arm

4 cuts, my arms on fire

5 cuts, my whole body is on fire.

I can't live like this, I started feeling dizzy and all of a sudden I passed out. I woke up alone in the bathroom stall, my arm covered in dry blood, I heard the end of the day bell went off and I got out of the bathroom and cleaned off the blood. I left the bathroom and went to locker. I ran into the one and only Peter Parker. "Oh hey Wanda! Can I talk to you?" Peter said, he didn't even wait for a response and dragged me out of school.

"Peter ouch! My arm! Peter! Also I need my backpack" I yelled. Peter let go of my arm, "Pietro's getting your bag. Why weren't you in Math?" Peter said and looked around to make sure we were alone. I was in the bathroom, just.....hanging out." I said, mumbling the last part. "Wanda, I know when you're lying to me, did you see Liz kiss me?" I nodded and looked down. "Liz kissed me Wanda, I pushed her away, when I tried to find you, you and Pietro were walking inside, I never want to hurt you, I love you, you're my best friend, soul mate, my everything." Peter said and my head was still down, I was crying, Peter lifted my chin up and whipped away my tears. He kissed me softly on the lips and hugged me.

I smiled and soon I felt someone touch my shoulder, "Wanda, Peter, Clint's here and says if you're not in the car soon he's going to leave you two here." Pietro said and handed me my backpack. I looked at Peter and he was staring at me, he grabbed my arm and I flinched under the pressure he's putting on it. "What's wrong?" Peter asked and stopped. "It's nothing Peter, it's just a nasty bruise, don't worry about it." I said and continued walking to Clint's car.

Once we got in the car Peter sat right next to me. "Can I see the bruise?" Peter asked and I shook my head 'no'. "Why not?" I looked down and said "it's barley a bruise." Peter looked at me. "Wanda let me see it." He didn't wait for me to answer and started pulling up my sleeve, I closed my eyes.

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