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Peter's POV:
I rolled up Wanda's sleeve instead of waiting for an answer, she would've said no anyway. I looked at her eyes as I pulled up the sleeve, but before I could look down we were stopped at the Tower. Wanda quickly got up and pulled up her sleeve and ran inside. I chased her and she ran into her room and locked the door. "Wanda open up!" I yelled. She didn't answer, I knocked one more time and waited. Then I went to my room and put on my suit, and went out my window and went over to her room.

I quietly entered her room, I crawled onto her dresser and got down. "Boo" I said. She jumped and dropped something. "Don't do that Peter" She said and rolled up her sleeves. I went over to her and made her sit down, I rolled up her sleeve and saw fresh blood and scars on her arm, I whipped away the blood and looked at the scars. I didn't know what to say, or what to do.

"Why?" I asked, I could feel tears entering my eyes. Wanda looked down and I brought her arm closer to me and traced them. I then kissed all of them and then kissed her, she kissed back, tears running down both of our faces. "I love you so fucking much, I hope you know that." Wanda smiled at me and hugged me so tightly, 'I'm such a bad friend, how could I not have noticed." I asked myself and cried on her shoulder.

Wanda lifted my head up, her hands on my cheeks and whipped my tears. "Why are you crying?" I looked her in the eyes, her eyes were still beautiful as always, just sad. "Because the person I've loved for so long hurts herself and leaves scars on her beautiful body. That I couldn't notice the signs that you are hurting. I feel like a horrible person." I replied and she kissed me and I pulled her closer to me. She put her hands in my fluffy brown hair, while kissing me.

Someone cleared their throat, I pulled away and saw Tony and Steve. "Hi guys" I said, "Steve you own me $15" Steve laughed and passed Tony $15, Soon a bunch of people crowded behind them. Natasha was smiling, Bruce looked like he just woke up, Clint and Pietro were holding hands and smiling, Sam was shaking his head, laughing and Bucky was cheering like a little school girl.

Wanda's tiny figure was buried in my chest, she smelled like vanilla and strawberries, I loved everything about her, I wanted her to be mine for so long that it physically hurt me to see her even a yard from a boy that wasn't me or someone related to her. I would get jealous of Tony and Steve for crying out loud! Ugh I'm so hopelessly in love with this girl, I want to scream out to the world how much I fucking loved her, I will someday, when I'm not a scaredy cat.

I kissed the top of her head and fell back to sleep, dreaming of the day I could make her mine forever.

Tony's POV:

Peter's adoption is taking forever, but when its done it will be worth it, Steve and I wanted kids and Peter and Harley, I already adopted Harley and he's such a great teenager, not like other teenagers, he's not disrespectful, just sassy at times. I love him and Peter so much, I don't know what I would do without my 3 boys. They are my favorite people, I love them so much. I couldn't imagine a world without them, they are my everything.

Maybe I've finally made my parents proud.

I went to my bedroom with Steve after spending all day making my new suit, Steve was on a mission with Clint, Natasha, Bruce, and Sam. I can't wait to see him again, Harley was in his room doing his homework since its now the weekend he had all weekend to do it, but he chose to do it now so he could help me fix some problems with my newest suit. 

I guess I'll be alone tonight.


I walked into Wanda's room and saw Peter and Wanda, I smiled and closed the door, I headed to Clint's room and sat on his bed, I put on one of his oversized sweatshirts and laid on his bed, since he was on a mission I couldn't see him till later tonight or early tomorrow morning. I fell asleep and started dreaming of the day I turned 18, when I can express my feelings without hiding them.

I turned on a random movie and fell asleep. 


Steve brought in an injured Clint, he didn't look so well, Steve brought him to his room where Steve saw Pietro laying there.

"Pietro" Steve said, Pietro, a light sleeper woke up and saw his injured boyfriend, "What happened?" Pietro said, looking at Steve, Steve sighed, "A bomb went off and Clint saved a child and the bomb injured him, his left side has a big gash that we already wrapped, he just needs to rest for a little while." Steve said and set him on the bed, Pietro nodded and Steve left. Pietro cuddled up on Clint's right side and kissed his lips softly and went to sleep again. Clint rolled a little bit and grabbed Pietro. 

Steve headed to Tony's lab where he expected him to be, but to his surprised he wasn't there, he checked every other room in the house, completely forgetting his own. Once Steve checked there he saw a sleeping Tony on STEVE'S side of the bed, Steve smiled and crawled into bed and kissed Tony's temple. Steve turned off the movie Tony was watching and pulled Tony close to him, Tony was still in his jeans. 

"I love you Anthony" Steve said and went to sleep, cuddling Tony.

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