Mission: Vandalize

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Have you ever wanted to vandalize a mall? Well, we definitely didn't expect to. But, unfortunately, when you have a "get-together" with the most annoying boy on the face of the Earth, things just happen. So here we are, laughing hysterically while an extremely overweight mall cop attempts to chase us with an angry look painted over his face. Wait. No. Scratch that. He looks pissed. How did we get here? Well, it went a little like this........

Arianna's POV

Rose and I are just hanging out in her room. I am throwing bits of paper at her while she tries to finish her homework. I already finished mine at school. You see, I’m the productive one out of this duo. I always finish my homework in 10 minutes or less. Yes, I time myself. I am just that awesome. I am tired of her not responding to the paper bits, so I start throwing those REALLY small Lego’s at her head. Hehe. What she doesn't know is that Lego's are evil, and when they touch you you turn evil. She turnes her head to glare at me with her evil look before returning to her work. See? Lego's equal evil. Rose is now evil. I flop down on her bed and glare at the ceiling, as if I'm blaming the poor ceiling that never did any harm for my complete and utter boredness. I sigh impatiently.

"Are you done yet?" I ask her for the 59th time. Yes, I'm counting.

"You ask me that one more time and I will-" She replies irritably while turning from her homework to glare at me once again.

"I know. I know." I interrupt knowing her threat by heart. "You'll wring me by my neck and toss me to some rabid dogs that you'll find in some hidden alley. You really need a new threat” She gives me a look that only confirms my suspicions. I swear, if looks could kill I'd been dead a long time ago. She sighs before closing her work book. “Okay, now I'm done.” I sigh in relief.

“Finally! Took you long enough!” I say as she rolls her deep brown eyes and tosses her extremely curly, red hair in a way that only Rose can do. I smirk at her slight attitude. I got her annoyed. I'm so proud of myself.

She sits up as her mother opens the door.

“Girls?” She says. I nod as Rose unconsciously scratches her head causing her unruly red curls to become slightly disheveled.

“Colton is coming over today-“

“Who's Colton?” I cut her off.

“Oh, he's Rosie’s cousin.” Rose cringes at her nickname.

“Mom…..” I try in vain to stifle my laughter as she glares in my direction.

“Oh, I didn’t know you had a cousin, Rosie.” I say through my laughter. Her glare gains more intensity as my laughs turn into full out wheezes, which happens a lot. She sends a pillow flying straight into my short, fluffy, dish-water blonde hair which just makes me laugh harder. She sticks out her tongue mocking my hair, which got slightly messy because of the pillow. But who cares about hair? As long as I don’t look like a hobo I will survive.

“He's going to be here any minute okay?” Rose’s mother concludes before walking out, with smile turning up her lips.

“So what’s your problem with Colton? Whoever he is.” I ask still laughing slightly.

“He’s annoying.” She states fixing her messed up curls in the mirror. See what doing homework too much can do to you? Messed up hair. And we never want that.

“How so?” I asked rather intrigued.

“You do not want to know.” She says in a creepy tone turning back to sit on the bed.

Mission: VandalizeWhere stories live. Discover now