Convincing the Stubborn One

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A/N Hey guys! So, heads-up, the beginning is kinda a repeat of last chapter but in Rose's POV, but we did add more at the end so it's not the whole chapter repeated again. Plus you get to know Rose some more! I will see you at the end of this chapter with some more minor details you need to know.


Rose's POV   Do you have that family member you avoid like the plague? The spoiled brat that everyone is convinced is the angel?Yeah. That would be Colton.

I stare at my cousin ready for the attack. Why? Because anything and everything concerning him, has a catch. He is an aggravating, disrespectful,  jerk and better yet, he still has Spiderman bedding. Which I'm preparing to use as blackmail to get back at him when the event presents itself. I smile at the idea as he drones on about his girlfriend. I roll my eyes, biting back the snide remarks that I want so bad to roll off my tongue. Most of his girlfriends are lucky if their relationship makes it through the weekend.  

“Mmm-hmm” I say, secretly feeling sorry for this poor girl.

“Were you even listening?” He states agitated.

“Mmm-hmmm.” I repeat distracted as I stare off into the distance. I can feel his glare burning a hole into my shoulder.  

I turn my head until my gaze locks on Arianna. She's staring directly at his chest. I suppress a chuckle. That is so typical. Everyone falls for my cousin; it's repulsive.

“Look.” I say pointing toward Arianna; she stares at his emerald eyes. I hold back, resisting the urge to throw myself on the floor and laugh hysterically until I can’t breathe.

He turns sideways to look at her, locking glances. She averts her eyes as her cheeks grow redder then I have ever seen them. And trust me, I've seen her blush a LOT.  

“Well? Aren't you going to introduce me to your lovely friend?” he says as he basks in the amusement of another admirer. I want laugh until I barf……….. Is that even possible? Never mind…

"Colton this is Arianna, my best friend that is way out of your league. Wait. No. You're not even in the same ball park!" I say as I burst into laughter that I have been holding in. I continue to laugh as I listen to him use his "sexy" voice, personally I think it sounds really stupid and I would never fall for it.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you. Arianna." He says to my best friend, who is usually so confident even in front of large crowds is so unable to speak and just nods her head. Oh. My. God. This is too much!   

"So. What do you guys want to do?" He asks us still basically shining from getting attention. I swear he's like a toddler.

“Umm… movies?” Arianna suggests, fighting to sound steady. Don't laugh. Oh, please Lord, don't let me laugh.  

Okay, so maybe this isn’t the thing a best friend should be doing. Maybe I shouldn’t fighting back tears of pure laughter at the fact that your best friend has a crush on your arrogant toe-rag of a cousin. And I say crush lightly because Arianna would make me die a long slow death if she knew that from now on, in my mind, Colton’s new name would be, “Arianna’s boyfriend”. Yes, I know he has a girlfriend, but like I said, that poor girl won’t last the weekend.  

"Build-A-Bear!" I exclaim as Arianna rolls her eyes at me. I absolutely love Build-A-Bear! I know that most people think that if you're sixteen you should've out-grown Teddy Bears and stuffed animals, but I never did and I most likely never will.  

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