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The Snuggly Duckling was as loud as ever. You sat in the corner, pretending to drink a 'Non-alcoholic' beverage. Though you didn't believe Shorty, when he had given it to you. You didn't want to be rude.

You were supposed to meet Varian outside, you were going on a picnic. He was late. So you came inside. You tapped your fingers on the table.

You looked around, at all the people. Hard to believe. That so many Thugs, had the ability to be soft inside.

You were kicked out of your thoughts, when Varian, grabbed you, and pulled you out of the Snuggly Duckling.

You swatted at him, glaring.

"You didn't have to grab me! I would have gladly came out with you!"

He chuckled, blushing.


You smiled, losing your glare.


He smirked, and brought a basket out of nowhere.

"Milady, your Food."

"Why thank you, kind sir."

He took your hand, and you two started walking down a random path, Varian leading you.

"So, Var... Where are we going for the picnic?"

He spun so he was walking backward, in front of you.

He mischievously said, "It's a surprise~"

He, on his backward walk, tripped over a branch. And you scrabbled to keep him from falling, and hurting himself.

You caught his hand, again. And when you pulled him up, your faces were inches apart, you both blushed.

You hesitantly backed up. And smiled at him. He continued to lead you.


You walked for a while, Unconsciously swinging your linked hands.

He finally led you to a field of flowers, a red picnic blanket in the middle of it. You gasped.

He sat you down on the blanket, and you just now noticed he had a bag. Not just the basket.

He sat the basket down. And put the, pretty large bad behind him.

He took the food out of the basket. Ham sandwiches. Your favorite. Well, not your favorite. You could tolerate them, when other people made them. But when Varian made them. They were AMAZING.

You took a bite, not really paying attention to your surroundings. Varian cleared his throat.

When you looked up, you almost dropped your sandwich. Little round things, reflecting the light, making little rainbows in them.

"Varian...  What are they?"

He patted the machine that was making them, he had taken it out of the bag. He said, "They, my dear (Y/N), are air, wrapped in soap film. Soap film is made from Soap and water, or other liquid. The outside and inside surfaces of-"

You placed a hand over his mouth.

"Varian, just tell me what their called."

He laughed, and said, "Oh. I call them bubbles."

Varian x Reader //Oneshots\\ {Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now