SOY pt.2

423 20 27

Nick: today must be a bad day for Edwin

Edwin: Nigga YOU the one who still obsessed over a girl that broke up with you bc YO dumb ass decided to cheat

Edwin: stop fucking trying me bro I'm not here for it

Elom: damn this lil nigga popped


Elom: ooo I'm telling

Kobe: now you know damn well you telling ain't gonna do shit my dude

Kobe: plus who invited yo young ass lol go to school

Kobe: learn yo abcs

Elom: nigga I'm 15

Kobe: and I'm a dog what your point

Elom: I-

Elom: k now I'm mad

Kobe: you get mad over everything lol

Zion: what you doing here

Elom: idkkkk I just popped up in here

Zion: now you know damn well you can't just pop into a gc no one put you in

Satan: I feel forgotten

Kobe: zion you a special kind of stupid

Brandon: have you not been in this gc..

Nick: this nigga started the shit tho...


Nick: shit

Elom: when we gonna make another song

Nick: who is "we"

Elom: me and you nigga

Nick: fuck no

Kobe: yeah he don't want to bc he sad over a girl he cheated on

Elom: oh...

Elom: lets write a song about that shit

Elom: it could go like: fuck stale bitches who don't like me, they stank like Cheetos, they can sucky dick, choke on it too shit, find another bitch, and imma eat her ass, I know I cheated but I was tired of the same ole pussy, I wanted sum new, like some Chinese food or sum, shit I'm hungry

Kobe: this dumb nigga

Kobe: go play in yo toy house or sum

Elom: trap house*

Austin: this dude thinks he can go to a trap house just bc his momma let him say bad words lol

Austin: that's not how it works

Elom: and dis nigga thinks he can say the n word just bc other people are saying it

Elom: that's not how it works


Nick: roast his ass

Edwin: drag him

Zion: oml leaveeeee

Kobe: that wasn't even a drag i-

Kobe: anyways what y'all niggas doing

Austin: shut the fuck up we not done

Kobe: oof

Austin: you got one of those "I got all Fs on my report card" hair cut boi

Elom: and you do drugs

Austin: nahh fam you got it twisted

Austin: you the one "rapping" about doing drugs and fucking bitches when you can't do either bc you're 5 so bye little boy

Kobe: aksjajs

Austin: Kobe shut yo dumb ass up

Zion: I mean what you said was funny and all but don't get on my lil bro like that

Austin: bro you wore a shirt that said "birthday boy" on it and shit then got mad when people told you happy birthday fuck outta here

Austin: y'all annoyin


Maxi: so like

Kobe: get yo big headed ass out of here nigga

Maxi: I'm watching Edwin

Kobe: how bitch


Edwin: Oml maxi just leave no one wants you here

Edwin: go suck Tiffany tiddies or sum nigga bye

Kobe: "tiddies"

Kobe: oh so now you get the balls

Kobe: y'all niggas make me tired and shit

Zion: yeah I'm really sleepy

Kobe: then go to sleep nigga

Elom: no

Kobe: it's past yo bed time lil nigga go watch Barney or some shit fuck outta here lol

Kobe: Brandon take yo blind ass somewhere with yo grandpa hands and shit

Kobe: nick go cry over a girl that doesn't even care for you anymore KAJSJW

Kobe: and Austin go take a damn bath

Satan: what about me

Kobe: bye sis

I had more I wanted to put but I'm tired
Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter I didn't take time to make bc this whole thing look 2 minuetsajsja

K bye love❤️

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