
400 19 36

Kobe:hit you with that Dudu Dudu du

Austin: aye you know blackpink fam

Kobe: the fuck is a black pink


Zion: what y'all good folks doing on this nice evening

Satan:nigga it's 1 in the moring fuck outta here with that shit lol

Zion:I- lemme keep my cool

Kobe: what cool lol you just corny and fake


Brandon: guys be nice to him he just turned 19

Kobe:ohhhhhhh so you a big boy now

Zion: I guess so yeah

Kobe:awwww so you old enough to stop peeing in beds huh

Austin: Oof whet


Satan: how do you know that information

Brandon:yeah like did you watch him or sum

Kobe:it was my bed

Kobe: he peed in my be- anyways

Zion: that was one time

Kobe: nigga do you mean 4

Zion: leave me alone

Nick: now who the fuck told those little child's that we are doing prettybrunch

Brandon: who said det

Zion:nah fr who said that shjt

Kobe:I gotta go to work tomorrow fuck outta here

Nick: Someone fr went on our story talm bout some prettybrunch tomorrow at 12

Nick: like my ass gonna be awake the fuck

Edwin:hey guys

Austin: fuck

Brandon: why are you even here Oml

Zion: ew

Satan:fuck off fucker

Edwin: why you guys so mean all the time

Nick:...where sis

Edwin: so you didn't see what they responded

Nick:nah nigga I'm blind the fuck

Edwin: oh shit you right

Elom: can I go to your guys prettybrunch tomorrow

Zion:nah fam

Kobe: nigga go to school

Satan: I bet his ass failing too shjt

Zion: that bc he is

Satan: oofowjdjw

Austin: nah it's for grownups you're not invited

Elom: I'm not listening to a dood that watches anime

Elom: zion please

Zion: no the fuck

Elom: you didn't let me go to your birthday party

Zion: nigga you really thot I was- nvm

Edwin: elom sit yo young ass down somewhere

Elom: okay but whose shorter


Elom: that's what I thought

Kobe: anyways


Brandon: tf wrong with you

Nick: who took a shit in the couch

Austin: Oof

Kobe: zion

Zion: why me

Kobe: you literally peed in my bed sooooo

Zion: fuck off

Nick: nah that shjt really small

Kobe: OH

Kobe: then jt was Edwin

Edwin: the fuck awkjsjw nahh

Edwin: you got me fucked up if you think it was me

Kobe: shit

Nick: kobe did you shjt on the couch

Kobe: nigga I'm a dog I don't speak English

Nick: woof barf woof woof

Kobe: lol yeah

Nick: i-

Nick: you nasty piece of shjt

Satan:brb Imma go call peta

Austin: Edwin those nachos you made dry as hell


Zion: That nigga aint put no meat in that bitch or seasoning

Brandon: right and that cheese looked like melted square cheese

Nick: it was barely cheese💀💀

Kobe: that nigga can't cook for shit lol

Austin: he has the nerve to talk about my cooking when his is dry like halies wigs

Brandon: I-


Nick: he aint even mix the cheese and jalpenoes togther

Zion: he was just putting shjt on top like wtf is thisssken

Edwin: y'all stay laughing and shit like it's funny

Austin: bc jt is lol

Brandon: Edwin you not allowed to go into the kitchen anymore

Brandon: sad to say but Austin cooks better than you

Austin: HA

Edwin: no

Zion: nigga that shit look terrible the fuck

Nick: why we even doing prettybrunch when none of y'all can't even cook

Edwin: bitch do you know how to cook?

Nick: oh boy I can throw downnnn in the kitchen bruh

Nick: my shit moist and it has seasoning

Kobe: Austin and Edwin could never😍

Brandon: y'all stay on Austin's and Edwin's case

Kobe: should we stop?

Brandon: nah y'all fine

Elom: so that's a no to prettybrunch

           Zionkuwonu removed elom kuwonu

Satan: aye man that was cold

Kobe: yeah and to do that to your own blood doe

Nick: fuck that shit I still wanna know who posted the thing about the prettybrunch

Edwin: oops

Nick: Edwin

Edwin: huh

Nick: you make me sick you know that right

Edwin: yuh

Aye I updated yay
Okay so it's like 1 or 2 in the morning while I wrote thisss and I'm tired asf
Plus I just got back from Atlanta and my stomach hurts sooo much bro immma just die
But I hoped you liked this shitty shit shit chapter I made for y'all so yeah

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