Open arms

303 19 47

Brandon: baby I ain't got no money

Kobe: 💀💀 you right

Kobe: y'all broke now

Brandon: shut up you talk so much

Kobe: wanna square up since you trying it rn

Brandon: nah I'm good

Kobe: that's what I thot

Kobe:scary ass nigga

Zion: wassup

Kobe:......go back the playing fortnite we don't want you

Zion: wait-

Brandon: back up-

Kobe: this ass is the only thing that backs up

Nick: GUYS

Kobe: oh hey nick the nigga sayer

Nick: I just lost 8,000 followers

Kobe: ntns for short...

Zion: bruh howwwww

Brandon: well

Kobe:imma go and put that in my bio on instagram

Nick: idk- you have an Instagram

Kobe: yeah bro I got a spam

Nick: I- anyways

Zion: you think you can make a spam just bc you can type

Zion: outta pocket

Kobe: nick can you say my name please on camera so I can post it on my spam want me to just say your name like your first name

Kobe: oh nah

Kobe: my middle name

Nick: you got a middle name?

Zion: since when

Kobe: that doesn't matter

Brandon: wild

Nick: okay who gonna record it

Kobe: Edwin

Brandon: OOF

Kobe: yeah I know he looks like a pink tampon atm and it might distract you a lil bit


Brandon: pockets=disappeared

Nick: ok what's your middle name

Zion: lemme go and play fortnet(spelling on fleek)

Kobe: so that game is importanterr than our conversation

Zion: ion wanna be in this conversation I don't care

Kobe: like you don't care about certain things 👀


Kobe: nothin....

Nick: oml what's your middle name bro

Kobe: wait lemme get Edwin

Nick: ughhhdhahdueus

Brandon: big mad

Nick: shut up

Brandon: well damn

Brandon: bigger mad

Kobe: ok I got Edwin

Edwin: wassup

Nick: let's just take the video and go

Nick: what's your middle name

Kobe: ok you ready


Kobe: ok


Kobe: Edwin your ready?

Edwin: yeah..

Kobe: ok nick say: Kobe nigga much

Nick: excuse me but what.?

Kobe: read it again

Nick: why....

Kobe: yeah I changed it yesterday


Kobe: it's not like you haven't said it before

                      Therealnickmara left the chat
Kobe: it was expected

Edwin: what about the video

Kobe: what about it

Elom: this is why why don't we is better

Don't mind me I'm just cutting the grass

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