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Edwin: I just thought of something

Edwin: what if we're not actually talking to Kobe

Edwin: like we're talking to someone posing as Kobe


Edwin: nigga what

Kobe: that the funniest shit I ever heard

Austin: yeah that dont make sense

Austin: he can physically talk bro

Edwin: oh shit I forgot

Nick: what kind of crack did Tiffany give you this time

Austin: ion think it was crack

Austin: meth?

Nick: nah I think herion

Kobe: don't Demi lovovo ed


Nick: I'm laughing which is sad bc that's not supposed to be funny

Edwin: all outta pocket💀💀

Zion: whats good guys

Kobe: y'all feel that?

Nick: feel what?

Austin: I swear if we broke something in this house I'm fighting

Edwin: exactly we just moved in the shit

Kobe: no not that

Kobe: y'all feel this weird ass energy

Zion: you gonna stop being shady towards me

Kobe: never

Zion: I wish you was an actual person bc I wanna fight you soooooo badly

Kobe: aww he's in a bad mood

Kobe: go sit in the corner light skin

Nick: Zion I think it's your turn now

Zion: my turn for what?

Nick: to apologize stop acting stupid

Zion: sorry I'm not apologizing for jack shit

Nick: oh damn

Edwin: aye I'm going to the store y'all want sum?

Kobe: takis

Edwin: that shit lame

Edwin: how about some seaweed

Kobe: no nigga tf get that white shit away from me

Edwin: oh?

Nick: Edwin is slowly becoming a white girl

Austin: I noticed that he's becoming lighter everyday

Brandon: damn

Brandon: and that nigga loosing weight

Brandon: shit he's on a white girl diet


Brandon: been knew sweetie

Nick: aye Austin

Austin: what bruh

Nick: wanna play monopoly

Kobe: oh damn

Zion: sksksksksk

Brandon: bitchwjsjah


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