Day Of The Departure

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Whale island; an isolated island, surrounded by water on it's sides, filled with exotic plants and creatures, harmful and dangerous, under control by humans and the bearing the home for Gon Freecs.

Gon could be seen sitting on the thick branches of an old tree, shedding it's leaves, too old to be alive, too big to provide sunlight to the saplings hidden under it's shadows. Yet the determined stare in Gon's eyes was unwavering. He was covered in leaves, bright green just like the shirt he wore, black like his hair, still like the fishing rod he held in his hands, steely like his look.

The string moved, being tugged from the other end dipped in water. The look in his eyes changed, he was fired up now, determined, he could prove himself now,prove that he was ready, that he could walk in his father's footsteps.

"There it is! Got it! Got it!"

His grin widened as he felt the strong force pull him into the water. His sudden action scaring the animals and birds seated in the gigantic tree. Planting his feet against the groves in the branches, he pulled against it, forcing the fish to show itself. He was trembling with excitement, his eyes sparkling like the very water splashing beneath his feet. Sweat dropped from his forehead, outlining the structure of his face until finally dripping from the tip of his chin.

"It's over!"

He shouted to the vicinity pulling out a large shrimp like creature. It's tentacles and fins moving in air, confused over the sudden change in it's surroundings. It's mouth still closed around the string of Gon's fishing rod.


Gon ran down the streets of his town, the fish way too big for his tiny fragile hands holding it like his life depended on it. Men and women alike were surprised at the feet he had managed to accomplish, startled at seeing him hold the gigantic creature above his head, but his smile assured all, making his eyes appear as if splits.

He threw the gigantic beast on the pavement in front of the appreciated audience. they oohed and aahed to his pleasure but the two that stood out were his grand mother, covered in a shawl and his aunt, wearing a disturbed expression on her face. The old woman's voice was barely heard as she said;


The villagers were still contemplating Gon's feet as they spoke over one another, wondering loudly in the crowd;

"Even with five men, we weren't able to catch the pond's master..."

"I've fished here for ten years, and i thought we'd never see it!"

"Very strong, this boy..."

Gon's voice however was heard by all;

"I fished the pond's master like i promised!!! Your turn to keep your promise, Mito-san!"

He held out a piece of paper, the inscription card for the hunter exam. He waited patiently regardless of the woman hesitating in front of him. Silence surrounded them for a moment until someone from the crowd yelled at her;

"Come on! Let him pass this exam"

"Yeah!" Another one followed, "I'm sure Gon will be a very good hunter!"

This broke Mito's patience.She'd had enough;

"How careless! Pay attention to what you say!"

"She's right!" Gon spoke,unfazed by Mito's sudden change in temperament, "Words are important! And wasn't it you, Mito-san, that taught me to always keep my promises? Wasn't it?"

Heaving a sigh of defeat she moved forward to grab the parchment and enter the required information in it's place.


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