The Other Enemy

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The wetlands stared back at to-be-hunters, filling their minds with thoughts and images they didn't want. The metal door clanked shut behind them, cruelty dripping as it blocked out the man a step away to the next phase. The door belonged to a tiny brick building, it's rectangular structure standing strong on the uneven land.

"Allow me to reiterate-- the creatures here are willy and their tricks are endless... and deadly." Satotz's voice boomed across the crowd, "This is nor their whim, but the bases of their entire ecosystem. That's why its called the Swindlers Swamp. Follow me closely and stay focused, if you don't, you're lost."

"Nice of him to warn us." Leorio spoke, relief dripping from his words, "Can't dupe someone whose on the lookout for tricks!"

"THAT'S A LIE! HE'S LYING!" The owner of this voice stepped from behind the entrance/exit to the cavern. His battered clothes hugged him, scared of the blood seeping out. Black and blue bruises visible on first glance. "HE'S AN IMPOSTOR!! HES NOT THE REAL EXAMINER! I'M THE REAL EXAMINER!" His voice diffused among the hunters, loud and clear, pointing his finger accusingly at the 'examiner', Satotz.

Confusion went rampant among the contestants;

Leorio was the first to break the silence that had followed the stranger from behind the building, "An impostor?! But...!!" 

However, Hanzo soon followed, looking towards Satotz, "Then who-- or what-- is he?!"

"I'll show you!!" The battered man pulled a corpse like man from behind him. Beaten and wounded. The contestants realizing that the ape like man resembled Satotz.

This action caused more confusion, compelling the man to explain, "He's one of the wetland creatures, the Man-Faced ape!!" He continued regardless of the accusing looks fired towards Satotz, "They lust after fresh human flesh, but are too weak of limb to capture prey on their own. So they disguise themselves and lead a crowd of humans to the wetlands where, in cooperation with other creatures, they capture them alive. This time they're out to sweep up the entire hunter application pool!!"

Cards flew through the air, penetrating it like knives, moving towards the opposite side of Satotz and the claimed examiner. Unable to dodge the piece of paper, the accuser sliced open. Satotz however, caught all the cards thrown at him. 

"Heh Heh. I see." A chuckle left Hisoka. His eyes fell on the twitching monkey's form. Threatened, realizing it's plan hadn't worked, the monkey leaped away, but not far enough it seemed, for Hisoka took him down with a single card.

"The monkey was playing possum...!" Sweat drops fell down the participants' foreheads, realization running from one mind to another at how they were easily swayed.

"Now we know." The magician's voice sounded as if nothing too surprising had happened. Pointing towards Satotz, he continued to explain his actions, "He's the real thing. Examiners are hunters who do this without pay, at the request of the judging committee. A simple hunter which we ourselves aspire to become, would have no trouble  dodging my attack."

Flinging the cards away, Satotz took the imaginary podium, his eyes on Hisoka as he formed his thoughts into words, "I shall take that as a compliment. But... the next attack on me, for any reason, will be grounds for immediate disqualification. Understood?"

"Sure." Hisoka sounded as jolly as always.

"You see, losing isn't pretty" Satotz claimed, as his eyes followed the vulture-like-creatures feasting upon the dead body of the impostor.

Leorio's eyes bulged outwards, bile threatening to spill as his eyes feasted upon the birds having lunch, "...The law of the jungle... is disgusting!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2020 ⏰

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