The Ultimate Choice

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Information on the exams center for the title of hunter. Note for all the applicants for the title of hunter : The applicants will only be contacted by written document for the date and the hour of the tests' beginning and also for the approximate placement. With the little information they have, the participants will have to go to the exam center alone. This is also a way of selecting candidates.


Dole's port

"There's so many people..." Leorio said, speaking the obvious, "Do they all go to Zaban?"

Gon, Kurapika and Leorio had decided to stick together for some time longer. Kurapika was silent, observing his surroundings until he finally decide on what to say.

"And they're all probably here for the same reason we are."

Gon however was still with the captain, giving him his regards and thanks.

"Captain! Thanks for everything! And take care of yourself."

"Thanks." The captain's heavy voice seated itself in Gon's ears, "I have one last bit of advice for you." The captain then pointed at a faraway tree on top of a mountain, "Just head for the tree on that mountain! It's a shortcut to get where the exams are!"

"Okay thanks!"

No need to worry Jin! You son is a good kid. The captain smiled at his own thoughts, unaware on the shadow lurking in the dark hearing all he said.

"That's weird...!" Leorio was the first to pinpoint the problem with the captain's words, "Look! Zaban, the place where the test is, is clearly indicated on this map. It's a big town... It's very strange to go to this mountain, in the total opposite direction... while we take a bus that takes us directly there... It's a shortcut, but if we mess up, we'll walk for nothing..."

Kurapika, finally seeing the sense in Leorio's words, tried to make up for the captain's mistake;

"Maybe he accidentally pointed this way?"

"It doesn't matter, i'm going that way." Gon was just as stubborn as a mule, "I'm sure there's a good reason for this."

"You know," Leorio contradicted, "Gon, you should learn to be more suspicious of what people tell you. I advise you to go by bus."

Silence surrounded the other two only to be broken by Leorio, as soon as Kurapika had started moving behind Gon;

"Eh! Kurapika..."

"More than the captain's words... It's what this boy does that interests me. I think i'm gonna stay with him for a while."

"You're not as independent as you pretend to be... Well i'm going to take the bus. Bye! That was a short time together, but still, good luck!"


"This is a long wait..."

Waiting at the bus stop was tiring for Leorio. His muscles began to get sore. Until he overheard people talking, he was sure that the bus was the right choice.

"Heya!" A man spoke, is a low voice, "You don't know? It seems that the direct bus for Zaban doesn't go where expected!"

"A trap...?" His partner said, "Rukki told me it was another trap to eliminate candidates..."

Soon it seemed to Leorio as if he was the only one waiting for the bus. Running on the path that Gon had took, he started shouting, words that were not loud enough to reach the pair that had separated from him;

"Hey!! Wait! Wait for me! You two, don't you feel lonely? I missed you, same with you, right? In that case, too bad for the bus, i'll accompany you! Hahaha!"

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