The reunion

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It was a beautiful morning in Fiorre, the birds were singing, the sun was shining and a very happy solid script mage was walking through the streets of the city of Magnolia. You may be asking yourselves what got her so exited, well the answer is simple...

"I can't believe that the last book of the trilogy of "war between species" has finally came out!" she screamed inside her head, while stopping in front her favorite book store.

-Hi there Levy!- greeted her Kai, the owner of the shop.

-Hi Kai-san!- answered the little mage.

-Oh! Come on Levy drop all the formalities- told her the owner of the shop- By the way your book just come out yesterday it sold out quite quick. You are lucky that this old man remembered to reserve one just for you.

-Oh thank you very much Kai-sa... i mean Kai- Levy corrected herself

-Give me a moment darling. Eliot come here right now with the book i told you about!- shouted Kai- Ne Levy, why weren't you here yesterday? I know that you waited almost a year for the book, knowing you i'd thought you would be the first one in line.

- Yes, i would have been but Shadow Geer was on a mission. So, who is this Eliot? Is a new worker in here?

-Well, yes something like that. He is my...

-Hey Gramps is this the book you asked for- came a voice from behind Levy.

-Yes it is thank you. Levy this is my grandson Eliot he will be staying a couple of weeks with me. Eliot this is Levy one of my most frequent costumers and a good friend of mine.

-Eh! A young lady like her is a friend of a walking corpse like you?! That is unbelievable!- exclaimed the young man, putting the novel on the desk in front of Levy. When she turned around to thank Eliot both of them froze instantly. After the shock passed they both said at the same time...



Next chapter: What those it mean? Who is these Eliot to Levy? How will Gajeel react?

A jealous Gajeel {Dragon's Slayers Mating Life Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now