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I could hear the entire guild broke apart in cheers but i couldn't take my eyes from the man i had in front of me, the man that made me feel the happiest woman ever.

Chapter 8:

P.O.V Gajeel

I didn't notice Juvia until she took me down with one of her famous and potent hugs, crying like crazy while murmuring things like 'I'm so happy you finally confess' and 'I hope Gray-sama would do something like that for me'.

 I sweat drop at this. "Does she always have to make everything about her Gray-sama?!".

 Thank Mavis that Phanterlily came and took her off me telling her 'Come on Juvia, our Gajeel doesn't need us anymore he is a grown up now' and began to cry too.

 I who finally stood up fell again-Hey i turn into a grown up long time ago!- i shouted to them, taking Shorty by the arm, really pissed off, and guide her to my usual table. We sat down leaning into each other until the two puppy came looking for their owner. "Ah! At least the third one isn't here... Which reminds me, i need to ask Levy what happened last night... but first this two dogs".

-Levyyyy!- they whined- What is the meaning of this?! You can't date HIM!

Now they got into my nerve "Who are they to tell her what to do?!". When i was about to say something, Shrimp beat me on it- How dare you to tell what to do?! It's my life and i choose who i date and who no- she barked angrily.

-Y y yes Hime-sama!- both of the dogs stuttered and everybody gulped, even me.

"She really can get scary is she wants to, i should remember that for future fights".

-Now leave- they did as they have been told.

-Wow that was impressive Shrimp- i told her. she giggled and turned to look at me with so much love in her eyes that i unconsciously blushed.

-A ri ga to- she said leaning each time closer to me stealing a kiss from my lips. We made out for a while until i remembered last night and split apart. She looked up at me a little bit hurt- What is it Gajeel?- she asked me so innocently that made me want to pounce on her so much... "No Gajeel get a grip of yourself" i scolded myself.

-What happened yesterday night between you and that guy?- she looked at me confused.

-Which guy?- now i was really pissed off "My girlfriend is lying to me on my face".

-Don't tell me lies- i growled- You know exactly which guy. The one who walked you to the guild- I told her turning my head away from her and her teasing smirk.

-Ah that boy- she said finally understanding- First of all his name is Eliot. Second you don't have to worry about him, he is just my friend and you are the one i love and only want- at this i blushed a bit- And lastly nothing happened between us, he just walked me to the guild.

-I told you not to lie to me. I saw you kissing him and telling him you loved him- i finished lowering my voice. "I couldn't believe how childish i was acting. Agh! Shrimp blushed a little as if she was remembering what happened. Oh no i lost her now, i really did".

-Well what happened yesterday is...-"Oh Mavis this waiting is killing me!"- I had never been so drunk, i even won over Cana. Who would thought i could handle alcohol so good. When i was walking back home i bumped into someone and fell into the floor- HEY… hic… LOOK OUT… hic… YOU… hic… BAKA… hic- i barked angry and very drunk, trying to stand up but soon i felt my knees failing me and lost balance. I could have fallen into the ground if it was not for the two strong arms that hold me. I looked up and said- G Gajeel is it you?… hic… i i hate you!… hic… why… hic… do you have too… hic make me feel… hic… like this?… hic… even as drunk as… hic… i am i can't… hic... stop…hic… thinking… hic… about… hic… you… hic… I love you- i finished my confession sealing it with a kiss on the lips and fell asleep in his arms. So that is what happened for me but in the next morning i woke up on Eliot's bed and he told me what really had happen. I'm really sorry you had to see that but i had never EVER did or do like Ouji more than a friend. I swear to MAVIS! And don't worry nothing else happened, he just took me to his house because he doesn't know where i live.

I was shocked i had never imagined that. I blinked a few times making sure it wasn't a dream and putted my arm on her shoulder pushing her against me- Minna let's celebrate for our new couple!- shouted master and suddenly a party broke up with a brilliant idea too. "If flame-boy is doing it, why not me too?".

I leaned closer to her ear and whispered with my sexiest voice- That reminds me that i don't know you live either, why don't you show it to me when the party is over?- i looked at her, satisfied by the sight. Her face was as read as Titania's hair, i chuckled a bit and went to the bar to order a beer to me and some vodka to Shorty. I heard from a devil mage that she loves it. This is gonna be the best day of my life!

Next Chapter: What is going to do Natsu and Gajeel? Will Levy like it?

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