What happened last night? (Gajeel)

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After a few moments the door of the guild opened again letting enter a really pissed off Gajeel in. The iron dragon slayer's gaze locked for a few moments with the one of the solid script but tear it away soon. This made disappointment glow inside Levy's gut while she saw him walking to his usual table. "Pull yourself together Levy, you have to do it" she encourage herself.

-Take this is his favorite and good luck- said with a smirk Mira while handing her a beer and winking.

"We can't keep nothing from her can we" thought the little mage thanking the demon mage " I can do it!".

Chapter 6:

A very angry Gajeel slammed the doors, of his house, close.

-Hey! you came back fast, I thought you would spend the night with your new lover- teased a black exceed- or did you...-however, he stopped himself by seeing something he thought he would never see. There he was just in front of him the iron dragon slayer crying. Yes, there were only a few tears but indeed there they were fresh in his cheeks- G Gajeel what happened?- flew to his side a concern Lily.

-I am late that is what happened!- yelled angrily Gajeel. Falling in the couch with his arm in his face to prevent him from crying any more.

-Tell me what happened?- said Phanterlily while patting his shoulder.

-Well this is what happened- started the dragon slayer.

People stopped still by what they were seeing. A big and scary man with daisy flowers (Levy's flowers) in a hand and a book in the other one. Of course any other night Gajeel would have sent all of them to the nearest hospital but this night no, cause he was specially nervous about what he was going to do.

He from all people was going to confess his love, in a romantic way, to the bookworm of Fairy Tail. "What the hell is wrong with me?!" he thought to himself "This is not me. What have you done to me Shrimp?". But suddenly he stopped his track when he smelt the scent of Shorty and the one of THAT GUY. He followed it and what he saw next broke his heart into a thousand of pieces.

-I I love you- he heard Shrimp say and kissed that bastard. He let the flowers fell to the ground and felt tears falling through his cheeks. As soon as he saw them left he turned around and went home.

The exceed stood there watching his partner shed a few more tears and finally said- You should tell her how you feel about her.

-What the fuck cat! You haven't heard a damn of what i said. I am late, she already has someone she loves!- shouted Gajeel changing his sadness into anger.

-Yes, i heard all the damn of what you said- told him Lily- It is you who doesn't understand a fuck!- now it was his turn to be angry.

-What do you mean?- asked the iron dragon slayer wiping his tears.

-Even though she already has someone she loves you can't just give up on her if you truly love her. Don't you?

-Of course i do! I had already told you that- growled, frustrated, Gajeel still not understanding what was Lily trying to get with this.

-What i'm trying to say is that you can't just keep your feelings to yourself, you should fight for her. Let her know that she has more options from where to look.

-B but what if she says no- said lowering his head the iron mage.

Phanterlily was now vexed, this guy wasn't his partner anymore he was someone else. Someone he doesn't like. The exceed turn into his true form and took Gajeel from the neck of his shirt making him stand and look into his eyes- Who the hell are you?!- he shouted- And what did you do with Gajeel?!

A jealous Gajeel {Dragon's Slayers Mating Life Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now