What happened last night? (Levy)

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I love you- she finished sealing her confession with a kiss on the lips and fell asleep in his arms.

But what she didn't know is that it wasn't to Gajeel who she had just confessed and kissed…

Chapter 5:

-I can't believe i'm doing it!- thought Levy remembering the events of last night.

She woke up on something soft, her head hurt as hell. Suddenly her eyes open wide as the memories came rushing back to her. She remembered everything Eliot, the fight with Gajeel, drinking to forget him, winning against Cana and… confessing her feelings to the man she loves the most. She blinked a few times adapting to the low light of the room just to see that she was on a bed, that wasn't her's, on a room that also wasn't her's! She freaked out when she heard the door of the room opening, as she turned around to face the door she asked shyly-G Gajeel?

-In that you are wrong… again- said a familiar, man's, voice from behind the door. When it was completely open her eyes she was shocked by who she saw.

-Eliot!- she exclaimed.

-Yes, i am indeed Eliot. Sorry for not being your lovely boyfriend.

-H He is n…- she stopped herself recalling what her friend said before entering the room- Ne Eliot, what do you mean by 'again'?

-Oh yes… well you see…- he started to scratch the back of his head while his face started to take deep shape of red.

-Yes...- insisted the little mage

-The one who you bumped into the street wasn't Gajeel it was… me- finally said the young man watching his childhood friend's eyes open wide once again and blushing furiously.

-S so t the one i k kissed w was… you?-asked shyly Levy

-Y yes- answered Eliot looking down to the floor.

-A and you w were the one w who i confessed my feelings too- said a disappointed solid script mage. Even though, if the one that she bumped into the street was Gajeel, and he might never make her forget that embarrassing moment, at least she would have finally let him know her feelings.

Without even noticing she started crying, which made Eliot feel bad. He sat next to her and hugged her trying to help her. After a few minutes she calmed down.

He separated a bit from her, leaving his arms around her and asked- What do you mean by 'confessed'?- this made her bury her face into his chest once more and start to cry again- I am really sorry, i am an idiot i shouldn't have asked that! Not in your sensitive state- started to panic the Young man making Levy chuckle a bit.

-It's ok- she sniffed- G Gajeel is the guy i i love.

-And you haven't confess to him yet?- he inquired slowly trying not to make her cry again. When he saw her nod without a tear he sighted relieved and pushed the issue a bit farther- Why?

-Why?! You are asking me why?!- she shouted angrily the little mage- S sorry Eliot you don't have the fault. For Mavis's sake nobody has it not even Gajeel it's all my fault! It's my fault for being a short, ugly, plain, emotional and weak Little girl!

-Hey hey stop it right there! You are not anything of are a beautiful, strong and prideful mage of Fairy Tail.


-But nothing! You may be short and a bit plain but you are still beautiful on the outside and the inside. Don't you dare to call yourself weak, you have the most brilliant mind i had ever known which saved you and others from a lot of trouble. Also, you use solid script magic! Which is a difficult magic to use and you can handle it quite well for your age. As much as concerns on hand combat... you are still young you can train, but there is something you can't gain training and that is  passion and will. From which i know you have a lot of, and a strong if i may add.

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