2 | foreign land

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I arrived at Seoul in a matter of 3 and a half hours. Having a jet lag, I straighten my posture as I waited for my luggage to cross the x-ray machine that is used to detect something illegal. I yawned as I wait with my fellow passengers to get their luggage and bag. It took about an hour to get mine. I stroll my eyes along the way as I reached for my phone in my small black backpack. I shrugged and straighten my slouched posture.

I started dialling Clarisse's number, Mr. Choi's secretary.


Ring ....

It rang about four times.

She's not picking up.

I miscalled for about six times.

"Sorry the number you have dialled is busy at the moment. Please try ag-"

"Shit." I cussed as I keep hearing the same response from the other side of line. I can't be lost now, I'm in a foreign country and I bet most of them don't even speak English. I need her to talk me out on the directions then I'll get going.

I remembered clearly how Mr. Choi instructed her to accept my calls once I arrived at the airport. I can't be pissed off. I just arrived.

I tried dialling again.

Still no response.

"Seriously? What is this secretary doing at this time? She should still be at the office." I muttered more to myself.

I can't be pissed off but I am now. I inhaled and exhaled in frustration as I stared at the contacts in my phone. Should I call Mr. Choi instead? But he clearly instructed me not to disturb him that's why he gave his secretary's number in the first place. My ego's itching to come out. If I don't call him, I'd be lost here in this chilly weather, not to mention, it's already 12 am here since Korea's timezone differs from where I came from. I noticed all my fellow passengers already hitched a ride. I can't stay out here any longer.

"Alright, this goes nothing." I said as I tapped Mr. Choi's number.

It rang about three times until he picked up.

"Hello," he said in a rough voice.

"Oh hello Mr. Choi. This is Ms. Alex Cuevas," I replied nervously "Did I wake you up?"

"Oh, Ms. Cuevas, did you arrive already?" He asked clearing his rough voice. "And no, you didn't wake me up."

"Yes sir. Sorry, I called you. Your secretary doesn't pick up my calls. I arrived an hour ago and I'm currently waiting here at the airport." I replied in the nicest possible way I can.

"I contacted Mr. Lee, he's on his way there. Bear with him. He'll take you to your hotel and he'll drive your car there to the airport. As far as I know, he's already on his way." He said in his deep voice like he always do when he's on business calls like what we're having now.

"Okay sir. Thank you." I muttered feeling relieved.

"I'll forward you his number. I already forwarded him yours. He'll call you when he'll get there." He said hanging up.

Just like what Mr. Choi said, he did forward Lee's number to me. And just as I stand up from my seat to stretch my already wobbly legs, my phone rang.


"Ms. Cuevas, I already arrived," A voice from the other line said then he hang up.

I stood up pulling my luggage with my right hand and carrying my duffle travel bag from the other walking to the place where most of the passengers were and there I saw a tall guy in a black suit holding a paper where my name is neatly written in bold blue ink. At least, he got my name's spelling right.

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