12 | truth

76 15 8

Here my second update today hahaha 😂😂😂 I'm feeling pumped up today, I don't know why.

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What happened to me these past few days is actually and unexpectedly weird but beautiful. I don't know. Tragically, this moment is one of them.

I watched as how Seokjin and Jungkook exchanged looks as if there's electricity coursing through their eyes. They try dominating one another like two tigers waiting to claw each other out. I couldn't help but stay frozen.

"Alex, come with me." Jungkook sternly say as he pulls me away from the hotel into the cold tiles of the long hallway. I hissed at the coldness of the floor that's making the warm soles of my feet freeze.

Jungkook being an ear-out person looked at me, made me wear his knee level coat and started bending out with his back turned to me and I titled my head questioningly.

"Get on." He said. The coldness in his voice gone.

I hesitated but I still followed suit knowing that's it's freaking cold barefooted.

He slowly stood up and went by the elevator pressing multiple numbers.

Is this the code that they're talking about?

"Where are we going?"

All I hear is a loud sigh like he has been expecting me to ask this question the whole time.


My eyes squinted as he mentioned yet another foreign place. Embarrassment flashed my face as I remembered being hang over minutes ago.

"Busan? But... I can't go out looking like....this."

"Don't worry, we'll be side tripping somewhere first."

He sighed again as the elevator opened revealing a negative number above the floor.

"Your the first person besides Taehyung and Hoseok that I told and brought to this place. This is my escape when I'm stressed. Welcome to mi casa."

He swiftly walked towards a room in an abrupt motion making my grip tighter around his shoulder. I felt the warmness from his body. As soon as we arrived at the room, he gently bent down to let me land on my feet and feel the soft carpet beneath. As soon as I do, I sat on the leathered couch, Jungkook going inside another room, and strolled my eyes over the place. It looks comfortable with its dark colored walls that are being contrasted by the light colored things surrounding the place. With the videogames neatly arranged by the flat screen tv that I assume where Jungkook spends his time playing on. Abstract paintings being neatly hung on the walls and what seems like a family portrait. I walked to get a closer view only to recognize the miniature selves of Seokjin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook maybe on their early teen age with a familiar looking woman pressumably aged 40s beside Seokjin smiling genuinely with her arms around Seokjin's shoulders.

"What are you looking at?" I hear Jungkook ask a distance behind me with a towel on his left arm.

"You guys look happy here." I say smiling at him.

"Maybe." He just shrugged and I can sense a pang of hurt glinting in his eyes. "Anyway. Here. Go take a shower. The bathroom's on the left. All necessities are there, don't worry. Just open the closet attached to the room and you're free to pick outfits of your choice. I'm not so sure with what you like so I couldn't choose one."

He sheepishly scratch the back of his head like how he does when he's out of his comfort zone.

I replied with a sheepish grin and proceeded to the bathroom playfully snatching the black towel from his arm and he just chuckled.

He likes dark colored things huh.

After refreshing my body with the lukewarm shower. I brushed my teeth and started air drying my hair. I guess he's not kidding when he says that all necessities are there. I opened the closet like what he said and I was greeted with rows of girl outfits like it's a clothing line that I just walked into.

Does he collect girly outfits? Is he by chance a.....? No. He probably isn't. I shake my thoughts away as I stroll my gaze at the clothes hanging by the walk in closet.

I quickly saw what I wanted so I took the black skinny jeans with a few ripped cuts on the knee part. I partnered it with a white tee shirt that looked like a crop top with a beautifully scribbled hangul word but with a black fitted undershirt that hides the belly skin. I took the midnight blue knee level coat and slipped on a white converse tying my hair in a messy bun on the process.

I found Jungkook wearing similar outfit when I walked out of the room and he just chuckled.

We opened the lunch boxes he's been holding before and ate after and I savour the taste of the steaming seafood noodles in front of me with a red colored vegetable side dish which he described as kimchi.

Not long after that, we were on the elevator again, stopped by the ground floor and into his car.

He revved the engine and then we're off to the cloudy atmosphere outside Seoul.

"Why are we going to Busan?" I asked starting off a conversation.

He glanced at me sideways and smiled. "You're going to feature me right?"

"Shoot. My things were inside my hotel room. It's locked."

He looks at me with his eyes furrowed then back at the road.

"What? How is it even locked?"

"I don't know. I guess I was really drunk that I forget things as soon as the liquor settles in." I admitted.

"Oh. Don't worry though. I got you covered. Sucks though, Busan soju is really tasty." He showed me his lopsided grin. "Too bad, you're a light drinker. I heard from Yoongi that you're really bad at drinking"

I just glared at him playfully. "I can tolerate a bottle but beyond that, I'm out of my wits."

He laughed. "Don't worry. We're going to Busan for your feature article. I'll make sure you stay away from buzz."

"Oh. Yeah. Is that the place where we're supposed to be going to yesterday?"

He looked at the road not daring to look at me, his ears red. "Yeah. Supposed to be. Look, I'm sorry I couldn't make it. I just uh.... settled things out with the company."

"It's okay. Your friends where there to keep company so I was really occupied."

Honestly though, I still can't remember what happened then when I was drunk. I just woke up on the couch with Seokjin wrapping his arms around me. I don't know if what he said is accurate but he just told me that I had accidentally locked the door out of drunkenness and that's about it. We were on the couch. How did we even fit there?

Oh shit. Seokjin. I mentally facepalmed myself as I remembered leaving him unintentionally alone on my hotel room without his upper clothes with him. The door! How could he open that one with a screwdriver? I groaned internally if that was even possible.

"They're not my friends."

I shot him a curious look. His eyes still on the road.

"What do you mean?"

He sighed heavily but replied nonetheless. "They're not my friends."

I can sense his vulnerability starting to show and a pang of guilt stabbed me as I watch him contain his emotion. "Yeah. You just said that a while back. Look, you don't have to tell m--"

"They're my half brothers." I looked at him and I don't even know how to react since his face is unreadable.

".... and you're probably curious but the woman on the portrait that you're looking at a while back is our mom," he continued to trail off not looking at my direction which left me dumbfounded.

More so, they sure didn't tell me their whole names yet. I'm slowly starting to solve the puzzle. There's one thing that I'm certain of. Jungkook isn't in right terms with Seokjin and I'm going to find that out.

Jeon Jungkook is the first complete name I know of and I'll make sure by the end of the month, I'd be able to know them one by one.

TRAPPED | BTSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora