➵ the bachelorette

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❝ not only did i have breakfast at tiffany's, i stayed for lunch and dinner ❞

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not only did i have breakfast at tiffany's, i stayed for lunch and dinner


Elena Mai Montgomery


Twenty Four


October Third!


Femme Fatale




She heads an international organization for fashion which is named Mai, Mai. The company not only does clothing (which includes jewelry and shoes) but features makeup as well as accessories for hair. She's also had brief stints with modeling. That's how she got started, actually.

 That's how she got started, actually

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In two words? A. Diva. They say a diva is a female version of a hustler, and maybe that's true. But as far as Elena's concerned, it only comes with two more words, those being fierce and fabulous. She knows she embodies those two words, and she probably won't let you forget it either. Obviously, she's confident, but she can definitely become a little /over/confident when it comes to that point. She just has a high sense of self! Or, at least, /appears/ to. She's a flirty one for sure, but it's all part of her charm. It's who she is, and if you don't like it, you can leave it. She does what she wants and damns the consequences. She's bold like that, and she only really cares about the opinions of those closest to her. She's a fun one, always open to new ideas and never failing to be down for an adventure. She's the kind of girl that can take a boring date and make it exciting, the one whispering in your ear and asking if you want to get out of whatever situation you were previously situated in. That said, she doesn't like to do all the work. If something isn't reciprocated, she's out. She's done. If she loses interest, she's gone. But it isn't that hard to earn her captivation. Even the quiet and shy ones have fallen prey to her outgoing personality. As far as romance goes... Yeah, she's tried it. At the moment, she's not really about romance. It's more about enjoying herself and seeing what's out there, but actual romance? That's definitely going to take some time. That said, she could certainly be turned into a romantic if the right one can show her the way. Maybe not a full-blown one and her version would certainly include unique gifts and outings as opposed to the cliche, but she could be turned without a doubt. Elena is... not hesitant. When it comes to something she wants, she's going to go after it with everything she's got. Business-wise. When it comes to personal ventures, she's more subtle in her pursuit. She likes to keep people on their toes and surprise them, but she also likes to be surprised. She isn't someone who can simply tell someone she's in love with that she's in love with them. She will show it through little actions and hints, but she won't be straight up obvious unless she's one hundred percent positive of her feelings. When she knows, she won't be hesitant at all in her affections. She doesn't care who knows(her life is already majorly publicized anyway), so PDA doesn't bother her at all. She'll do whatever it takes to keep you. Okay, well, that isn't entirely true. It used to be, though, so maybe someday she will get back to that. She fights hard and fair, but she is also someone's terrified to actually fall in love again. She can't just openly admit her feelings because she /runs/away/from/them/. She'll hide it by flirting with /everyone/ and little jokes and digs, and it always works because those things are well within the limit of her personality. But if you want the best of her heart, good luck. It's locked up tighter than the fortress of solitude. Overall, she's a pretty helpful person. This intelligent queen refuses to be underestimated and used that to her advantage. She's stronger than you know and smarter than you believe. When she gets sad, she'll curl up with blankets, food, and movies and go to town, basically. She isn't /that/ easy to anger, but she doesn't tolerate disrespect. She can be sweet, and she can be genuine as well. She doesn't trust easily, but once she lets you in, you'll see the real her. She's deep(though most only view her on a more superficial level). If you hurt her, forgiveness is a one-time thing. She doesn't apologize. It's just something she doesn't do. Her actions are her actions, and she doesn't want any regrets. She would say she was sorry if she really meant it, but the probability of that word coming off of her lips is very slim. She's cheeky and teasing, a little sly. She always seems to be on the up and up when it comes to gossip. She's a great keeper of secrets, but a surprisingly good liar as well. She's trying to work more on her honesty throughout this, however. So yeah, Elena is a diva. But in her world, that's the best kind of person there is.

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