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"Connor" I whisper Un-aware of what to do

He brushes the back of his neck with his hand and quickly turns away
"I'm sorry (Y/N) I don't know what came over me, there must be something wrong with me"

He begins pacing back and forth whilst I stand there dumbfounded.
"Connor it's alright" I raise my voice, watching him go from one side to the other
"Connor, it's okay there's nothing wrong with you. Just forget it okay" I head for my room hearing his foot steps slow
"I'm going to bed" i lied I sat in the bed wide eyed, so many thoughts running through my head.

I twist and turned at the sight of his Brunette eyes staring into mine.
Sleep was no option for me this night, I stood on tip toed into the main room, I climb onto the window sill pulling open the window, taking in the fresh air.

The moon was fully bloomed not a car in sight.
I pulled my legs over and allowed them to dangle.

With my head in my hands I question my emotions, what is wrong with me?

>> fast forward / M o r n i n g

I stumble out of my room into the 'lounge' un-able to fully open my eyes. Connor sits on the windowsill staring at the tv

"Good morning" we say in unison I chuckle and grab my jacket.

"I'm going to get some coffee, you wanna come or?" He nods his head and I walk off alone.

In my best attempt to get some exercise I begin to jog, taking in the view, watching the cars pile up in the street, not focusing on the path I run into a very familiar faced man.

'Markus' i gasp
"Sorry sir" I turn my face down speed walking off eventually turning into a sprint. I turn back, he is now walking in my direction at a fast pace.

"Shit" I mutter
Turning into an alley way I duck behind a large bin.

Praying that he continues walking.

I listen closely for footsteps he turn into the alley looking around cautiously, thinking on my feet i grab a rock lunging it on top of tin wastage.

He looks over to it, I take This opportunity to pull down a half Lowered ladder, I jump up grabbing onto the first bar, in an attempt to rush I knock the bottom down, forcing it to slide down clattering on the floor.

I begin climbing faster as Markus sprints over to the ladder.

Arriving on the roof top I scan for all my options.
Make a jump for the next building over or slide down the roof on the right.

In a quick decision I turn to the right sliding onto my him, my body flies down the side. When I reach the bottom I push myself off of the platform forcing my body through a window.

I grunt rolling on the ground. The room is filled with birds and a lot of shit, I pull the mask over my nose whilst running, I weave in and out of pillars, I turn to the lest only to be face with another jump.

I use my momentum to push through the glass landing safely on the other side.

Markus is no longer on my trail, so I thought.

He slowly approaches me clapping my hands, completely out of breath I pull the blade from my shoe.

"Good job, you almost got away from me" he stops 5 meters away from me

"What do you want?" I grease him off

"Connor, we want Connor" he slowly steps closer
"And you" he smirks

"Fuck you" I brace my body for a fight

He laughs
"And we will have both of you, escaping with a convict after receiving orders. Now that is a serious crime"

"What happened to being free, your orders seem to defeat the whole purpose of what you fought for" i step backwards nearing the edge

I examine his face, he now wears a purple led

"Markus this isn't you" I say in attempt to connect to him

"Yes (Y/N), it is and there is nothing you can do about it"

My ear piece displays the screens in front of my eyes.
Confirm Interference?

I blink with a nod of my head, markus' eyes begin to twitch, he then groans in agony. Holding his head.

I turn and begin running off, jumping from building to building feeling a bit like Batman I attempt to jump a bit further than I possibly could,

My body plummets down the side of a building, i reach out for as many things to stop me from face planting into concrete.

My hand manages to grab a hold of and open window ledge. I take this opportunity to drive my blade into the wall ultimately slowing my fall.

My feet reach the floor at a maintainable pace, my body follows.

"Holy... shit" I gasp for air realising i could have just died.

Laughter erupts from my body, I walk out of the alley with cuts and bruises still laughing.

>> fast forward

I climb into the 'lounge' in my 'house'
"Connor we need to leave this place, pack the stuff" I grab as much of my belongings as I can.

He stands speeding over to me.

"What happened to you?" He says obviously concerned

"Markus found me, Connor they are being controlled as well, do you know any where we can go?" I grab a bat that is lying on the floor heading to my room

"I know one place" he opens a cell phone and begins typing

I walk into my room shoving the picture of Avery into my bag before swinging my bat into the screens on the wall, and at the computer.

"That should do it" I drop the bat on the floor double checking  that I have all my gear.

>> fast forward

"Connor where are we" I say as we stand outside of an on broken house

"Just and old friends house" he smirks and knocks on the front door

"No answer of course" He mutters breaching on top of the door frame grabbing a rusted key.

He unlocks the door and swings it open.

The smell of alcohol practically smacks me in the face.

We step inside and Connor kneels on the floor

"Sumo!" He yells, a large dog runs up to Connor and begins licking his face.

I smile at the sight of Connor gleaming with happiness.

•                    •                     •                         •

HmmMmM who's house.
Thankyou in advance for your co-operation!

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