Not a Monster (Travlyn)

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He can feel his heart racing as she stares at him with wide, blue eyes. He isn't sure if he's imagining it or not but he swears he can see fear and mistrust.

This is why he never wanted her to find out the truth about him. He never wanted anyone to be scared of him.

He didn't want to be like his father.

"T-Travis..." She breathes. She's stuttering. Travis can't remember a time he's heard her stutter, excluding when Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau ask her about her crushes. And now she's stuttering. She's scared.

He turns away, blinking back tears.

"I'm... sorry."

She remains silent now, staring at him even though he has her back turned to her, giving her the perfect opportunity to run. Yet she stays still, standing taller once she realises she was slouching. He glances at her, a look of confusion in his eyes.

"... Aren't you going to run?"

She hesitates, before offering him a small, shy smile, one that he never expected to see on her face.

"Why would I run from you...? If you were going to kill or hurt me... wouldn't you have done it years ago?"

Travis blinks at her. She does have a point. But last time he accidentally revealed the truth about who he was, his friends all fled from him. Granted, they were only about five. But the looks in their eyes scared him. His father had made them forget. And... made Travis forget.

"But aren't you scared?" He questions, turning around to face her, gesturing to himself. "Katelyn, I'm a monster! Can you not see that!?"

Katelyn shakes her head, stepping forwards and smiling warmly at him.

"Travis... you're not a monster." She replies, as he steps back from her. "Appearance isn't what matters. It's what's inside. You care for your friends and for me. You always have. You help people when they need help... sure, you're an annoying Casanova, but you're kind."

She rolls her eyes at him.

"Why else do you think I started falling for you in the first place?"

Travis bites his lip nervously, breathing out as he looks away.

"But... don't I look scary to you?" He questions. She snickers.

"You look like a Halloween costume." She replies, as he gives her an offended look, his jaw dropping open. "Though... I must say, it's a very good Halloween costume."

Travis smiles slightly, looking down as warmth rises in his cheeks.

"T-Thanks..." He stammers, as she laughs, finally reaching him. She wraps her arms around his chest as he gasps.

"Travis, no matter what others say, you're not a monster." She hums, poking his horns as he lets out a startled shriek, moving his head away from her hand. She laughs, pulling away. "You're anything but."

He chuckles.

"Thanks, Blueberry." He replies, as her jaw drops open.

"Travis, don't use nicknames!" She exclaims, trying to grab him. He dodges, darting into the kitchen as he laughs.

"Baby, it's dark in here. Why don't you come light up my world?" He calls, as her jaw drops.

"Oh! Get back here, Travis!" She yells as he laughs, beaming as he ducks beneath a low doorway, heading for the upstairs.

No matter how he feels about himself, he knows that he'll always find someone who cares. Because she's right.

He's not a monster.


560 Words.

Yay! Actually wrote something! Finally!

For anyone who wants to know, this book will only be updated if I get inspiration for a one-shot. I don't like having schedules set because it means I HAVE to do something and I need it done by a specific to me, which makes it less fun for me. So... yeah.

Hope you enjoyed this one, even though it was short!

(Uploads it months after writing it)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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