Protecting Lucifer

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"NO!!! STOP!!!!" Skylar screamed throwing herself between Lucifer and the others.

"What are you doing?" Lucifer asked.

"I'm not letting them.hurt you for something you did not do." Skylar smiled and became very angry.

Dean went to grab Skylar to pull her out of harms way when Skylar reacted out of desperation and blind panic, biting his hand almost ripping it to shreds.

Castiel approached Skylar and saw that the reason why she was so fiercely protective was because Lucifer had in fact saved her life.

"Now why in the world would you save a humans life Lucifer? You never have before." Castiel asked with a curious expression.

"Because brother, in case it has escaped your notice, she is not human and I saved her from Crowley who took her in the first place.  Lucifer said with his usual smirk. "Had I not then she would have bled to death."

"Castiel leaned in close, kissed Skylar on the forehead and whispered one command. "Sleep Skylar."

Dracula looked at everyone and his eyes turned yellow and  he stood close to his family protectively.

"Who the hell are you?" Sam asked.

"I'm Count Dracula; this is my son Vlad, my other son wolfie, my daughter Ingrid my servant Renfield and our pet hell hound Zoltan."

Synn was becoming a bit annoyed. " Hey listen up, now that we got the hostilities, pleasantries and general ass kissing out of the way, would it be to much to ask for some help please?"

Everyone including Crowley who was pissed because his quarry was taken from him, took notice and stopped to listen.

"All of us except for Gabriel, Sebastian and Castiel were born in the shadow realm or as you humans call it. HELL! and our people are turning on each other." Synn said.

"What has that got to do with us?" Dean asked harshly.

"What it means is very simple, either we get the damn help we need or every realm including this one is fucking history." Shadow answered abruptly.

For some reason that Lucifer couldn't fathom, he actually liked Skylar and held her close to him.

Skylar kissed him softly and whispered " Will you help us please?"

Lucifer looked at her. " I will do anything for you Skylar but under one condition."

"And that would be what exactly?" Skylar asked.

"When this is all over and we return to the shadow realm I want you to promise that you'll stay with me and be mine." Lucifer asked with a warm sweet smile.

Silver smiled as she looked at her sister's sweet expression and knew she had fallen in love. "You better be good to my sister, Lucifer."

Lucifer smiled at Silver. " you've got my word darlin, she will always be safe loved and protected. What you should be worried about is Cas, I think he likes you."

"They all agreed to help as long as they didn't have to stay here. Sam heard his phone ring and answered it. "Hello Henry's pie palace."

"Hi Sam it's your dad."

"Hi dad what's up?" Sam asked

"Not much just checking on you two to make sure everything is ok."  His dad said.

Dean smiled and tapped his brother on the shoulder and mouthed. " Tell him to meet us here."

Silver did one better and snapped her fingers making John Winchester appear out of nowhere. After making him the same offer, he agreed to help.

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