Single Once Again

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I feel raindrops begin to hit my face as I walk.

The tears have begun to flow now, my conscious catching up to me.

The rain is hard and cold, and it makes me sniffle even more. There's no one on the streets tonight, so I begin to sob, letting my tears get mixed in with the raindrops.

I think about going home and it makes me even sadder. Walking into an empty house for me to be alone with my thoughts makes me sick at my stomach.

I need to argue with someone to take my mind off things, and I know exactly who to go to.


The water inside my converse squish as I walk on the carpeted flooring of the hotel hallway. I'm soaking wet, water dripping from my clothes and from my hair.

Room 302 becomes closer, and I ring the bell three times, making sure he gets the memo to hurry up.

Drake swings the door open and I stare up at him. He's got sweatpants and a loose shirt on, and he's rubbing his eyes.

"Hana what do you want?" He yawns out. "Its the middle of the night-"

"Just let me inside asshat," I push past him and go into the living room.

"Why are you wet?" He asks, closing the door. "Did you just decide to take a stroll through the rain?"

"I don't want to hear it," I look down at my shoes. "...I've had a rough night."

"What happened?" His voice is softer now, and there's a look of concern in his eyes as he walks closer to me.

"I just got dumped," I deadpan, running a hand through my damp hair.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" He stares down at me.

"Jackson called off our relationship, okay?" I snap at him, not meaning to. "Some nasty things were said, and I just don't feel like talking about it. I don't feel like going home and being alone either, so that's why I'm here."

He looks at me for a couple of seconds before he slowly nods his head in understanding.

"Oh," He points to his kitchen. "I just got a pack of beer if you want to let loose for a little bit, you know, have some fun now that you're single?"

I roll my eyes. "Forget it," I walk past him heading to the door. "You're no help at all."

I'm about to reach the door handle when I feel his hand grab my wrist.

"Sorry," He apologizes. "It was a stupid joke, I know."

I feel the heat from his hand as it warms up my wrist.

"Stay," He softly orders. "I don't want you out alone at night."

I turn around to face him, a sudden chill breaking out over my body.

His hand is still on my wrist as he begins pulling me in the direction of his bedroom and bathroom.

"What are you doing?" I ask, trying to pull myself away from him.

"You're freezing," He starts. "You need to shower and put some dry clothes on. I have an outfit that you can borrow for tonight."

I stand outside his room in the hallway as he shuffles through his closet looking for clothes.

"You mean I'm spending the night here?" I ask, my eyes growing.

"Yep," He hands me a set of clothes, a mischievous grin coming onto his features. "Don't worry though, I won't try anything with you."

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