Dazed and Confused

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The next morning is hectic.

I missed my bus, spilt hot coffee on myself, forgot to brush my hair, and my clothes look horrible.

Since I missed the bus, I had to run, and as I was running, my heel snapped off of my shoe.

Running barefoot on pavement isn't fun.

I come into the office sluggish, and everyone rushes around me as they see what pitiful state I'm in.

My heels are clutched in my hand, my hair is a mess, and there's a large coffee stain on my white blouse.

"Hana! What happened to you?" Addie asks, trying to pat some of the coffee off of my shirt. "This will stain!"

"I had a rough morning," I explain to her.

"Even your shoes look rough!" Betty comments, taking the broken one in her hand.

"I think I have some extra shoes in my car, do you want me to go get them?" Fei asks me, starting to walk towards the door.

"No, it's fine!" I stop her. "I'll just be in the office anyway, I'll just go barefoot."

"Are you sure?" She asks and I nod.

In all truth, I couldn't sleep last night because I kept thinking about that threat AvaStar left for me on my window. I stayed up all night trying to think about what I was going to do.

I sit in my office my myself, thinking about what to do and typing away on my laptop.

There's a knock on my door and Drake walks in.

"There's a letter for you," He says, handing me an envelope. "And I need you to sign this paper saying you agree with the release date."

I take the paper from his hand and sign it, the release being on December thirteenth.

"It looks good to me," I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "I've been trying to think of a way to get AvaStar back for what they've done all these years."

"In my opinion I think you need to leave them alone," He says, taking the paper from me.

"Leave them alone?" I ask. "After all of what they did?"

"It would be stupid to try to go against them," His voice is suddenly snappier. "You're just an eighteen year old girl. What power or influence could you have against them?"

I stare at him. "You sound just like him..." I shake my head, not believing what I'm hearing. "You sound just like that peice of shit CEO of AvaStar!"

He stares coldly at me.

"I thought you'd be different," I start. "I thought you'd support me and stand by my side. I don't like you if you're being like this."

He gives a dry laugh.

"I really don't like you either!"

My heart throbs as I hear him say those words.

Why should it bother me? So what if he doesn't like me. I don't care.

My eyes begin to water, nonetheless.

"Leave," I turn back to my laptop, trying to not continue looking at him. "That's all I want to hear."


"Leave Drake!" I snap.

"Fine, I'll go," With that he exits, slamming the door behind him.

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