Chapter 7: Kiara Becomes A Valet

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Jon's POV

Kiara asked her mom if she work with me and the guys and Kris said yes. Kiara is scared to death. But she got her a contract and now she is the Shield valet.

"You ok?" I ask

"Yea." Kiara said

She is still shaking from those attacks by Evolution.

"Come here babe." I said and she lays her head on my shoulder.

"You sure you're ok?" Colby said

"Yea. I'm just happy that I'm not a wrestler just a valet." Kiara said

"I'm happy that you're a valet for the Shield and not the valet for Evolution." I said

She cuddles up to me.

"I don't want her to get hurt. Also we have a match and we can't bring Kiara and Hunter and Evolution can't bring Kane." I tell the guys and Kiara falls asleep on my shoulder

"Kane will be back here trying to find her. Jon we need to keep her safe from Kane and Evolution." Joe tells me. I get worried.

"Jon, you don't need to worry about Kiara she'll be ok." Colby tells me

"I know but I don't want her hurt." I said

Kiara stirs and hugs my neck.

"I love you." I said

"I love you too." Kiara said

"I heard that Kane is going to be back here. " She said

"Yea." I said

She looks scared and she turned pale.

"Babe, you'll be ok." I tell her

"Shield, you're up." A producer tells us

"Alright. Be careful baby." I said

"Ok. Good luck." Kiara said

We kiss and she let's go and hugs the guys.

We leave and Kiara is watching the match.

Kiara's POV

Jon is in the ring. Joe and Colby is out. Hunter and Randy and Dave attack Jon and I can't take it any more I run to the guerilla and run out.

Hunter and Evolution stop attacking my fiancee and looked at me. I get a steel chair and whack Hunter but Dave attacks me with a kendo stick.

Hunter gets a mic as Jon notices that I'm out here

"Hey Dean, your fiancee really knows how to fight." Hunter says as he gets a hand full of my hair.

"Kiara, you made a mistake coming out here to help your fiancee. How does it feel when your fiancee is being treated like this and you're not helping her Dean?" Hunter says

I slap Hunter and ran to Jon.

"Babe, are you ok?" He asks me

"Yea." I said

"Are you sure?" He asks

I just cry in his arms.

"Baby come on." We go backstage

I calm down and hug Jon tightly.

"Its ok, it's ok." Jon tries to calm me down

Then a camera comes to us and Evolution comes up to us.

Jon puts me behind him.

"What do you want Hunter?" Jon ask

"I want to know why your fiancee is afraid right now. She was a brave bitch. Now she is hiding behind you Dean." Jon tenses as Hunter continued to insult me

"You put her in this Hunter. Just keep Kiara out of this. And dont ever touch her again." Jon said as i cling to him

They leave and Jon turns to me.

"You ok?" He asks me

I just cry because im just scared to death.

"Babe its ok. Its ok." He says and hugs me. I hug him back

"Jon can we go?" I ask him

"Yea come on." Jon said

We pack up and go to the hotel.

The hotel

We got to the hotel and I'm cuddling up to Jon.

We are watching 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' I'm not in it because I didn't want to be.

"I just hope Kiara and Jon are ok." Kim said

"Me to Kim." Kylie said

I decided to call Kim.



"Are you ok?" Kim asks

"Yea." I said

"Ok. I gotta go to put the kids in bed." Kim said

"Ok. Bye Kim. Love you."

"Love you too Kiara." Kim said

We hang up and continue to watch KUWTK.

Jon went to bed and i started to go to sleep but something was put over my mouth. I thrashed and try to scream but it was bound by the rag.

Everything went black.

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