Chapter 13: Surpise Vist

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Kiara's POV

Me and the twins were released from the hospital. Jon is at work. He was forced to because Hunter threatened me and the twins. I love the twins so much i cant loose them.

"Hey little sister." Kim said

"Hey." I said and look down

"Sis its going to be ok. Jon did to protect you and the girls." Kendall said

"I know. My daughters are our top priority. We are parents now. I need help from him. It hurts me that he's not here." I said and Kourtney hugged me. As i cry

"Its ok. Shh." Kylie said

There's knock on the door. Kim went to get it.

Jon's POV

Im at work to protect my family. Hunter threatened to hurt my wife. I didnt want that.

"Jon, you ok man?" Colby asks me

"No im worried about my wife and kids." I tell him

"She's with her sisters. She's going to be ok man." Joe tells me

I put my head in my hands. And just cried. My family is everything i have i cant loose them.

"Shield you're up." A producer said

"Ok thanks." Joe said

We go to our enterence.

Our theme comes on but was interrupted.

"No leave her alone! Leave Kiara alone Hunter!" I see Kim yell at Hunter.

Mason and North took their baby cousins somewhere safe.

"Jon you need to go to house now." Joe said since we're in Las Vegas

"Come on." I rush to my car.

At the Ambrose's house

We finally get to my house. I hear Kiara's screams.

I rush in and see Kim and her sisters watch Kiara getting abused.

"Please stop!" Kiara screams

I attack Hunter. The guys attack Dave and Randy.

Kiara cries in Khloe's arms.

They retreat and the kids brings my daughters back down.

"Babe its ok. Shh." I hold her close.

She takes our daughters and we hold them.

She cries worrying about our daughters.

Im scared to death for the girls and their mother.

"Babe. Its ok." I said

Haylee and Kaylee wakes up and see us.

"Hey princesses." I said and Kiara sees their blue orbs.

"Oh my baby girls." She said and hold them both close.

"We love you so much baby girls." She said and Haylee cuddles up her baby twin sister.

We kiss their foreheads.

"Dean we need to get going to get to our match in time." Joe tells me

"Ok. Babe please stay safe." I tell her

"Ok. Call me when you're done with your match and coming back." Kiara says and Haylee is holding her baby sister close.

"Love you babe." I said

"Love you too." She says

We kiss as we hold our week old daughters.

We leave. My baby girls cry knowing that im leaving.

"Jon you ok man?" Colby asked

"No. My wife was attacked by Hunter and Dave and Randy held her sisters back to watch." I said

"She's going to be ok." Joe said

We pull up and i see Kris's limo.

Oh shit. Mamma bear is here.

"Dean!" I hear and Kris yells for me

"Hey Kris." I hug my mother in law

"Is my baby girl and her daughters ok?" She asks

"No. Kiara is scared to death for our daughters and their safety." I tell her

She is worried about her daughter and granddaughters.

She goes back to her limo and opens and i see baby carriers. Kiara comes out and i race to her.

"Surpise babe." She said and i peck her lips.

Haylee and Kaylee sees me and i take the carriers.

"Hey girls." I said and they smile.

All of us go to my locker room and I let them go in and they stop as i get in and Kane is just standing there.

"What Kane?" Joe asked

I give my daughters to Kiara.

The door open and Kiara screams.

"Kiara!" I yell as Haylee and Kaylee are safe with their aunts.

I race out of my locker room and i come back.

"Wheres Kiara?" Kris asked

"I dont know." I said

"Dean its ok." Joe said

"Oh Dean! Where are you?" I hear Hunter.

I see my wife shaking and bleeding

"You want to say something cupcake?" Dave handed her a mic.

"Dean please help me!" She screams as she is backing up into the corner.

I race out and my theme comes on.

Kiara takes a breathe. As Evolution runs out of the ring.

Kiara runs to me.

"Shh its ok." I said

I pick her up bridal style.

"Kiara.. Are you ok honey?" Kris asked

"No. Wheres my daughters?" She said

Kim and Kourtney hands us our baby girls.

Kaylee sees her mother.

"Oh sweetie." She kisses our daughter

Haylee opens her eyes and sees me

"Hi princess." I said and kiss her head

"At Payback we will win. Not only to see who can adapt but to not mess with my family." I say and the kids look at their baby cousins at awe.

"Aunty Kiki?" Reign said

"Yes honey?" Kiara said

"Can i hold Haylee?" He asks her

"Ask your mother." She said

"Yes he can hold Haylee." Kourt said

Reign comes and sat on my lap.

I show my nephew how to hold her. I kept my hands under neath his.

Kiara's POV

My husband and nephew are bonding by holding my daughter.

"This is adorable." Mom said

"Yes it is." I said and Kaylee started to get hungry.

"Ok Kaylee ok." I said and went in the bathroom to feed her.

"Oh Kaylee you look exactly like daddy." I say to her

I burp her and go out and see everyone ready to go.

"Im ready lets go." I said while putting Kaylee in her carrier

We go to the car and i sit with my baby girls.

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