6. Blunt Refusal

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Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakatuhu!

I know it's late and I haven't updated in a while. I feel really sorry for doing so but the reads and the enthusiasm of readers has dropped to such an extent that I've lost the inspiration to write this story. I have a lot of plans and ideas for this novel and I honestly don't know how I'm going to put them down in words when I'm unable feel the excitement of my readers. Leave a lot of comments dear readers, tell me what you think and tell me what you want. If your friends are waiting for the book to end so they could start reading it, urge them to start reading right away. Because in all honesty, I'm struggling to write here because of the lack of motivation. The next update depends upon you.


...And whoever fears Allah - He shall find him a way out. And will provide for him from where he does not expect. And whoever relies upon Allah - then He is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose. Allah has already set for everything a (decreed) extent.

[ At Talaq : 2-3 ]


Even as Zahra took fast steps with Taskeen in her arms to the blanket that had been spread under a tree, she could hear Eshaal laughing her heart out behind her. Zahra ignored her friend, choosing to concentrate on her child instead. Tenderly she sat the child down, adjusted her dress and produced a hanky from her bag to wipe her face when Eshaal collapsed dramatically on the spot beside her.

"I", she gasped clearly having difficulty to speak, "Ya Allah... I cannot...my ah...my stomach hurts. It's been so...ah so long since I laughed so hard."

"Glad to be of service to you ma'am."

"Good service, really. I commend you."

Zahra scowled at that and Eshaal immediately raised her hands in defence. "You cannot blame me though. He actually thought you were abducting my daughter!" She coughed in a poor attempt of disguising her laughter. "You - a person who doesn't find it in her heart to harm even cockroaches and spiders, and to think he thought of you capable of harming a soul, much less kidnapping a child! And you know what?" Eshaal bubbled. "That's not even the best part. You should have seen his face when he realised what was actually happening! Epic! I'm telling you, you should have seen his face."

Zahra looked away, too embarrassed to continue the conversation and Manha gave Eshaal a stern look. "You are annoying her now. She is already embarrassed as it is."

Eshaal sucked in her lips and pressed them together trying hard to maintain a straight face but failing miserably and snickering silently every few seconds. Because of the solitude the park provided at this time of the day, Eshaal had removed her niqaab and gloves when she had sat down on their picnic spot and after Ibrahim had left, Manha had pulled off hers too.

Even the kids after having first stared at Eshaal for the strange way she was behaving had gone back to examining and experimenting with the new toy Zahra had gotten them. Taskeen stuffed hers into her mouth while Ihsaan shook his, trying to figure out how he could dismantle it and put it back again.

The adults lapsed into comfortable silence, their souls connecting even without the use of words. It felt good to forget about the rest of the world once in a while and meet in a place which wasn't infested with people.

It felt good to forget about the complexities of life and just bask in its simplicity; to forget about their woes and just concentrate in their blessings; to pretend as if they were still teenagers pursuing their degrees without a care in the world and not knowing its true face. It felt good, good to be surrounded by people who complemented each other in their level of craziness. It helped in reminding them of the fact that they belonged; together. Nothing could rival the quality time spent with friends.

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