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"who ya texting?" sadie came from behind me causing me to jump. it was samantha. i haven't seen her in a week and i was dying.

i shrugged."no one that concerns you."

she laughed."who's cutie pie then?"

i looked down at my phone and smiled. samantha said she can't have a cute name for me but that doesn't mean i can't have one for her.

"well she's a girl." i laughed. sadie smiled and nodded.

she patted my back."im glad you've moved on finn."

if she only knew. i scratched the back of my neck and laughed. after a few minutes i decided to run out. we were on break, filiming didn't start for another 20 minutes. i went behind a building as i made sure no one was around.

i called samantha and she instantly answered.

"finn i can't talk!" she whispered. a smile formed on my face. her voice was so soft, i can listen to her all day.

"but baby i miss you."

she lightly laughed."i miss you too now i have to go. i'll text you later."

"fine." i groaned. i can almost feel her smile through the phone.

"bye finn." with that she hung up. i leaned my head against the wall and sighed. i just wanted her to be officially mine again.

i was slowly getting tired of hiding. i wanted to tell the whole world we were together and happy.

a part of me wanted to tell christian already but the other part of me felt as if she was probably using me as a toy because she knows how much i love her and i would never leave her. then i thought, why would i be her toy?

i know she feels safe around me and vise versa. we love each other.

- - -

filming was finally over for the day and everyone was on their way to samantha's.

"aren't you going to come?" caleb asked. i wish.

i shrugged."nah im going to chill at home for tonight."

sadie steppes in and wiggled her eyebrows."with your new girlfriend?"

millie gasped and everyone hit me with tons of questions.

"when are we gonna meet the lucky girl?" noah asked. i stayed quiet and shrugged. i had no name to think of. this is why she needs to break up with christian.

gaten laughed. "you don't know her name?"

"m-mia!" i studdered. it was the first thing that came to mind.

they nodded and tried to convince to go with them with mia.

"she's shy." i lied.

sadie pouted."but we're nice."

"she can come when she feels comfortable but come on finn. come with us! we're gonna go bowling as usual." millie smiled. i loved bowling, especially with samantha.

i decided to give in and go knowing i was going to get in trouble by samantha later. when got there, i tried to keep my cool. my heart was racing.

samantha and christian were standing outside until i saw christian's face fall down. its because of me.

"hey guys!" samantha beamed keeping her eyes on me. she looked so pretty, i wanted to kiss her.

we all took over the alley as we chatted with one another. christian came up to me with his hand on my shoulder.

"so finn, do you have a girlfriend?"

before i can answer, millie did the honors. "yeah he does! she's shy so she didn't want to come."

oh no. samantha raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

"girlfriend huh?" she said with a fake smile. im totally going to he dead. i shrugged.

"what was her name? mia?" gaten asked.

i laughed. "yes her name is mia."

christian grabbed samantha's hand and smirked at me as she still gave me a dirty look. i prayed that she wouldn't get mad. i decided to shake it off and continue with out night that filled with many laughs. also a night of me being jealous of christian because he seemed to try to make me mad.

reasons; wolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now