Chapter 5: The Tour

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"Yep now follow me." [Now I'm going to be honest I'm going to skip the tour because it would take at least 45 paragraphs to describe it so I'll talk about their opinions and the lessons I taught them.

Max said after the tour, "That was crazy cool thanks for the tour Mr.Eden."

"your welcome Max now what did the rest of you think?"

Chloe said, "It was hella cool!

"Thanks for the compliment Chloe

Kate said, "It was very nice thank you Mr. Eden"

I decided to flirt with her a little, "I'm very happy to hear that and please a pretty lady like you can call me Saint."

"Pre... Pretty?"

"Yes Kate I think your beautiful and don't let anyone tell you otherwise and please if anyone treats you poorly you come to me ok? I care about you Kate."

She then grabbed me into a hug then put her head into my chest and started to cry as she said, "No one ever said anything so nice to me before thank you Saint ."

"Shh don't cry Kate I'm here for you, I'm here." After I wiped her tears away I said, "Would you like to stay her tonight Kate?"

"I'd have to call and ask my parents."

"I can do that I have their number since I joined the school and I'm your Professor." I then pulled out my phone and gave Kate's parents a call.

"Hello? This is the Marsh Residence."

Ah the Mother this will make this easier, "Hello this is Professor Eden and I was calling about Kate."

"Kate? Is something wrong?"

"No, no nothing is wrong I was calling because Kate was hoping to stay at my home to have a sleep over with my daughter and her friends."

"Oh hmm well if you can guarantee 3 things."

"Alright let me guess, reasonable bedtime, no alcohol, and no swearing."

"I uh well that was a good guess and it was right very well she can spend the night."

"Thank you Mrs.Marsh I hope you have lovely rest of the day."

"Thank you." I then hung up put my phone back in my pocket then said as I stroked Kate's hair, "You want to sleep in my room Kate?" She shook her head yes. I decide to play with her a bit so I picked her up bridal style, I then said, "Boy can you go tell Charleston to bring dinner to the girls and my room tell him I will have a guest in my room and for my dinner and her's prepare the Love special." He barked yes and went off to find Charleston, I then turned to the girls and said, "Alright girls Charleston will bring dinner to your rooms so good night girls oh and Vulpes mom wants to see you so take my hand ok?"

"Ok daddy see you in the morning girls."

Both Max and Chloe said, "Night Vulpes." I then took Kate and Scarlet upstairs once we got inside my room and I set Kate on My bed I said, "Kate can you keep a secret?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Vulpes you can change back now." Scarlet then dropped her disguise and went back to her normal look."

"Um Saint who is she?"

"Kate this is My Alpha Scarlet I had her wear a disguise and pretend to be blind so I could disguise myself as a dog so I can make an investigation of your Photography teacher he is believed to be tied to the missing girls here."

"But wait if Umbra Rem is you, then who was that other dog?"

"That was our real dog Shadeow I had him disguise himself as my dog form using his magic so the girls wouldn't be suspicious of his sudden disappearance and Scarlet to help you I'll send a shadow clone that will use your Vulpes disguise and work with Shadeow." I then snapped my fingers and a shadow clone using Scarlet's Vulpes disguise appeared.

"What's the mission boss."

"Go to Shadeow and He'll fill you in."

"Alright boss." after it left I turned to the girls and said, "Alright Kate I know you have questions you can ask them now."

"Yeah um do you really love me?"

"Of course I do Kate." I then gently grabbed hold of her and as I caressed her I gave her a kiss."

She said as she was red as a tomato, "Doesn't Scarlet have to approve."

"As long as you love him and are willing to share him with me we're fine."

"Oh um ok." We then heard a knock on the door.

"Sir I have your, Lady Kate's, and Lady Scarlet's meal."

"Alright hold on and I'll get the door for you." I then went and opened the door.

"Thank you sir, now where do you want me to place them?" I then used my magic to summon a dinning table with a giant chair that could fit 3 people completely and comfortablely.

"Right there Charleston."

"Perfect sir, there you go will there be anything else?"

"Yes take My Dinner to Shadeow I'll share The Lovers Meal with the girls thanks Charleston.'

"Your welcome sir." After he left I said, "Well come sit down and eat with me girls."

After we finished eating the Lover's Meal which was A Giant sirloin steak with Honey, rosemary, parsley, and some good old barbecue sauce I said, " How was it girls?"

They both said, "Delicious."

"Good to hear now it's time for bed." I then snapped my fingers to dispel the dishes and the table and chair then we all got in the bed and hit the hay.

End of Chapter 5: The Tour

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