Chapter 7: Telling The Marshs about the Marriage

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It was now morning and today me and Kate had some big news for her parents that we were getting married so I put on some casual clothes and then my crown. Now first we had to get to Kate's home that was easy enough just punch in the address in the car and then the rest was a sinch. Once we got there I rang the door bell and waited for them to anwser funny enough both of them answered the door. I then said, "Good morning Mr and Mrs Marsh." There reaction was priceless. Mr.Marsh spoke first, "King Eden? Why are you visting us and why is my daughter with you?"
"I will answer your questions if you answer mine, first may we come in?, second do you have any tea we can enjoy while I answer your questions? And finally do you have any Sunflower tea?"
"Oh yes of course come in and yes tea and talk sounds good and I believe we have Sunflower tea." We then went inside and while me, Kate, and the father sat down Kate's mom went to go make the tea. "So Lord Eden may I ask what brings you to our home and with my daughter no less?"
"I'd like to wait for your wife so I don't have to repeat myself." Just then his wife came in with the tea she set it down and then sat down her self. Mrs.Marsh then said, "I hope you like it Lord Eden."
"Thank you Mrs.Marsh it looks great."
"Please call me Patricia." (I know no first name was listed but I think it works best with her husband's name.)
"As You wish Patricia and what about you Mr.Marsh?"
"Richard is just fine."
"Alright well with that I'll start answering your questions, I came here to ask a big question question concerning your daughter and I'm also here to tell you two things. One, your daughter is no longer getting bullied at the school and I've become the new photography teacher. They both said, What do you mean?"
"You didn't know Kate was being bullied at school?"
"No we didn't Kate why didn't you tell us?" Kate then said, " I was afraid you would pull me out from blackwell."
"Oh sweetie we're so sorry and thank you Lord Eden for stopping the bullying."
"You're welcome."
"Now what do you mean you're the new photography teacher."
"The old one was a perverted freak, he would kidnap, drug them to death, rape, and finally take sick perverted pictures."
"Oh my god I would never expected that from Mr.Jefferson that monster." Richard then said, "Now what was this big question you wanted to ask us?"
"Well this will hopefully help raise the mood." I then got on my knee and said, "Mr and Mrs.Marsh may I have your blessing on me marrying your daughter?" They both said slowly, Our blessing on you marrying our daughter? The King of the kingdom of Everlast wants to marry our daughter?"
"Yes I love Kate and would love to spend eternity with her." They both said, "What kind of parents would we be to deny our daughter happiness? Yes Lord Eden you may marry our daughter with our blessing."
"Thank you both so much." Patricia said as she hugged, "You're welcome son just promise me one thing."
"Yes what is it?"
"Keep her safe and happy ok?"
"I promise."
End of Chapter 7: Telling The Marshs

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