^_~[ The tests begin! ]~_^

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THE FACE ABOVE IS ME LOOKING DOWN AT ALL MY IPAD TRYING TO WRITE A GOOD BOOK 'UUUUHHHHHH'. oof (this art is not mine, all the credit goes to the original artist!!)

PLZ ENJOY ;3; luv y'all ;*

After a long chat in Gasters Office, he told you to follow him. You got up and followed Gaster down a hall. Many Lustful and jealous Looks came your way, you just put your head down.. Your ears flattened... you felt a tug at your tail you yelped and turned around.Gaster turned around aswell. There was a tall blue monster, leaning over you, he Laughed and looked at you lustfully. 

You slapped him across the face, the slap echoed through the whole lab.  

Everyone was quiet... 

Gaster grabbed your wrist and pulled you away, Proceeding to go where ever you were going.

The monster growled behind your back

Gaster opened a door. you walked inside with Gaster behind you.

The room was white. there was a Surgery table. monitors and machinery, it honestly looked eerie.

Gaster walked over to you, with no emotion on his face. "Yes, sir?" You suddenly felt a sharp pain in your right arm, you screamed because of the pain... your vision became blurry and you hit the floor with a thud.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip Brought to your local horny Gaster~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You woke up, drowsy. You noticed you were strapped down. you were sitting up because The chair was one those recliner surgery chairs.. the unsettling  ones... "Ah.. your awake.." Gaster was sitting besides you, looking at a clip board. Great way to send your subject to sleep, stab them in the arm. "I will be doing multiple soul tests on you. And if you deny, I don't think you'd like the consequences." He stated still looking down at his clipboard, Gaster wasn't wearing his lab coat. He just had slacks and a gray turtleneck with the sleeves rolled up showing his boney arms, SOMEHOW. The  turtleneck was tracing muscles THAT HE DIDNT HAVE PHYSICALLY TO THE EYE BUT THE AUTHOR HAS NO LIFE AND A WILD IMAGINATION. ((Haha fourth wall Break and you can't do anything about it. >:D)) "Why would I deny?" You said innocently "because... many of these procedures, to you, might be uncomfortable and painful, mentally and physically." He replied "now quiet. I must concentrate." 

You were quiet for the rest of the time. Gaster attached many tubes and wires to you. He put a IV in your wrist (BECUZ SCIENCE. And blood testing. and Nd shit) after he was done he walked over to a computer and was typing away. You sighed and looked at the white ceiling. You felt happy that you were away from your father and sister, but you were also scared. You didn't know what Gaster was going to do to you but.....

There was something about him...

The door opened and you turned your head. A short Yellow dinosaur in a lab coat came in with a stack of papers and documents. She scurried to Gasters desk and placed them down. She huffed. "Thank you, Dr alphys.." Gaster said. "Y..your w-welcome, d..doctor.." the dinosaur named 'Alphys' stuttered. Her attention drew to you and then she gasped. "OH MY GOD!" Alphys squealed. "Alphys... please" Gaster said. You smiled, "Hello! I'm (Y/N)." you said kindly. "The anime's were true! I knew Neko's are real!" She said happily. "'Neko's?'" Gaster repeated. "Neko's, Are a hybrid of a h-human and a Cat.. a hybrid between a-any other other a-animal.. I-is a furry.." Alphys said blushing, she looked away. "Thank you, Alphys.... Now, please continue with your work." Gaster ordered looking down at you. "Y-yes, s-sir..." Alphys scurried our of the room.

"Now where were we....?"


Boom I'm done. Xd

Sorry short chatter but I'm so hyped becuz I wanted to write this for the past couple weeks and now it's finally out. So yeah


_~^ May This Be? ^~_ {Gaster x Neko Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora