Chapter 3

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Liam’s POV

I was awoken by the sunlight entering my room through the window in front of my bed. I groaned as the rays of sunlight hit my eyes. I moved to my side only to find Zayn’s face inches away from mine. WTF that scared me, what was Zayn doing in my bed? A flash of what happened yesterday hit me, oh shit what did I do, why did I let myself be led by such stupid plan. I couldn’t back out; we’d already told the boys. I grabbed some new clothes and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, so that I could clear my mind.

Five minutes later I was drying myself with a towel with my initials on it sent by some fan, they’re so cool, right. I walked out of the bathroom already dressed and I was drying my hair with the towel. The room was empty; I guess Zayn must have left to have breakfast.

I walked through the corridor to get to the staircase when I noticed Niall’s door was open, I peeked in, as I always do when such occasion happens, and to my surprise I saw Niall and Louis, sleeping soundly, judging by the sound of Louis’ snores. He had his head on Niall’s chest, both shirtless. I hope that at least they have some clothes on in the nether parts. I felt so jealous I could not control myself. I hit Louis’ head to wake him up.

-Hey! What was that for? – Louis asked whit such an annoying tone that I just wanted to slap the shit out of him.

-It’s 11 in the morning, I think it is time for you to get up and have breakfast – I responded with a tone as irritating as his. He started to say something about why did I wake him up and not Niall, but I had already exited the room and was walking down the stairs.

I walked to the kitchen, and found a nice plate of pancakes set on the counter. I took a plate and served 4 of them, they looked so yummy. I was about to shove one in my mouth when I was cut off by Zayn, who said, in a very cheesy tone

- Good morning honey, how have you slept tonight? You look so hungry-.  A shiver run through my spine as soon as the word honey left his mouth. It’s not that I don’t like Zayn; I do, as a friend, but the thought of us being together makes me feel guilty, as if I am cheating on Niall, the one I really like.

-Yeah, sorry for not having said anything before, I am so hungry – I said, waking up from when I was sitting to give a kiss on his cheek.

Harry cooed – You are so cute, you deserve an extra pancake -. At least being in a fake relationship has its advantages. Harry took the pancake from the pan and placed it on my plate, I heard someone whining from behind me

-No fair, why does he get an extra pancake and I don’t, you know I love your pancake- I don’t know if it was because of his thick Irish accent or his deep voice from having woken up, but just by hearing him my heart skipped a beat. I turned around, and the grin on my face turned into a frown as soon as I saw Louis behind him.

- You get no pancakes because you’ve slept with my boyfriend– Harry said, trying to sound playful, but I could feel pain in his words.

-Harry, you know I would never cheat on you, I just slept with him, I mean in the same bed, because Niall was feeling homesick and just needed someone to cheer him up – Louis said, sounding convincing – By the way, I don’t like Niall, he’s not my type, no offence Niall – he added turning his head to stare directly into Niall, who stuck out his tongue at him.

The rest of the breakfast went as usual, Harry accepted Louis’ apology and they made out throughout the entire meal. I couldn’t stop thinking about the image of Niall and Louis snuggled together in bed. When we had all finished breakfast, I took Zayn by his hand and led him to my room, not forgetting to close the door.

-Wow Zayn, you’re a genius, your plan is really working, I can see Niall kneeling down in front of me begging for my love – I whisper-screamed to Zayn, with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. 

Think of how much love that's been wasted (One Direction bromance)Where stories live. Discover now