Chapter 5

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Sorry for having taken such a long time for this update. I had a problem with this chapter. I uploaded it 3 days ago but it only appeared on my ipad. It didn’t appear neither on my phone nor on my computer. I’ve been asking several people if they could see it and only one person told me she could. So I am going to reupload it. Those people that had it before may have this chapter twice. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Anyway, Niam shipper, this chapter is dedicated to all of you. There will be more Niam action on future chapters. As for Harry, I’m sorry he’s so evil; he just has to be for the sake of the story. He won’t be like this the entire book, only these first chapters.

BTW, I’ve been wondering about naming the chapters instead of giving them a number, but it’s too much work (I’m super lazy) and I prefer to focus on the story itself; and besides, it looks more classy. But if you want, I can change the title so that it is related to the chapter.

One last thing, I’ve been wanting to change the cover, but I am really bad at creating one. If anyone could help me with that or tell me someone that can help me, I would be forever grateful.  

Without further ado here is the chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Lots of love <3


Harry’s POV

It’s been hard for me to ignore Louis. I still love him; I know love is a very strong word, but I do, I love him with all my heart. But at the same time, I hate him; he’s been hiding his feelings for whoever he likes (aka Niall) for such a long time. I don’t know who I hate the most, Louis, Niall or me. I must be the dumbest person who has ever existed; it was right under my nose all along.

Louis left the kitchen after hitting Liam. I tried my best not to laugh since I had to ignore everything Louis did. Once he had left, I laughed like a maniac; then I relaxed.

“You can’t go like this anymore, you’ll break the band apart” Liam said, looking at me while chewing a pancake has had just put on his mouth.

“Yeah man, he’s the one who cheated on you, so he should be the one feeling bad, not you” Zayn added

He had a point, I didn’t do anything to deserve this, it was all Louis’ fault; no, it was all Niall’s fault for seducing Louis.

“I know, but I can’t control myself when I’m around him, you know, like” I was cut off by Niall entering the kitchen

“Oh, look who it is, I think you’re mistaken; this is the kitchen, not the whorehouse” I spat, turning around to look at Niall directly into his eyes. If looks could kill, he would be so dead. If only he were.

“It’s not my fault Louis doesn’t like you. It’s yours for being a prick” Niall answered with the same expression on his face

“Oh no you didn’t! You’re so dead” I screamed, jumping on him

I was punching the hell out of that leprechaun when Liam held me from behind and pulled me away from Niall. Zayn did the same to Niall.

“Break it you too, this afternoon we have an interview and I don’t want you to behave like this” Liam said, in a parenting way. Daddy direction mode on.

“I’m going to call Simon and tell him I’m sick, I’m going nowhere near this boyfriend stealer” I said angrily, and left the kitchen to go to my room.

“Better for us, we didn’t want you either” I heard Niall screaming as I was leaving

That bitch! I’m going to take revenge for what he said. Nobody calls me a prick and lives to tell the tale.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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