Ah. My wonderful first anime was Rosario + Vampire. I was 11. I had seen my brother had watched it and was like "Ooh! What's this?!" And I watched both seasons about 3 times before my parents caught me and told me not to watch it. They said it was inappropriate, but at the time I didn't understand why they said that cause nothing seemed inappropriate to me. I was so confused half the time while watching. I ignored the TV-MA warning (knowing my parents wouldn't approve) and was like "I can handle it!" And watched it behind my parents' backs. I met one of my best friends while scribbling about the anime in one of the classes we had together (a class for gifted students that we'd go to.) We started talking, she introduced my to other anime like Hetalia, Ouran, Fruits Basket, Angel Beats, and Chobits among other things. We talked about the dating sims we played and we both had Quotev. That's how we became best friends. I don't see her much since she goes to early college, but sometimes I get to see her in the morning before school cause she comes to my school and waits for another bus to take her to her school. She's still one of my best friends and helped me a lot in middle school! I wuv her so much!

But yeah. Just remembering some good times.

Then it's cause of me talking about Yuri On Ice during freshmen year that I got one of my friends to watch anime! And my friend who couldn't really get into anime is gonna watch some anime this summer! I gave her some light hearted ones like Fruits Basket, Ouran High School Host Club, Lucky Star, and we gave her Brotherhood to watch! I tried to give her some of the light hearted and some of the cleanest ones I could think of! I forget some of the other ones I suggested. But yeah! I dunno. My mind is kinda wandering right now. Then my bro and I have very different anime tastes. He watches a lot of harem type anime or absolutely stupid ones. He's admitted they're stupid. He's aware. But he watches lots of those type, but occasionally we watch similar anime like Keijo!!! and Kakegurui and Ouran and Boku no Hero Academia. We still talk about anime and share things a lot...tho he doesn't listen to me most of the time, but sometimes I'll sit down and watch an episode with him even tho I have no idea what's going on. It's kinda nice to do that. He explains some stuff going on and we make jokes and laugh. It really is nice.

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