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I is sad and I want to force myself to throw up. But I have to take care of myself.

You know what's sad? The only reason I take care of myself is for others. I mean, obviously it feels good to be healthy and shit so there's that, but the only thing stopping me from hurting myself or making myself throw up is others. My girlfriend would get especially mad...considering we kinda got in a fight a day or two ago cause I kept trying to ignore my nausea and headaches cause I wanted to make her happy...she wasn't happy. So I guess I have to take care of myself. It's weird. I care about myself, but at the same time I don't care what happens to me. Then I hate myself, but god damn it I'm amazing! How can I hate myself?! My ego isn't always a cover up. Minus the fact I gained ten pounds, I am mostly beautiful. All I have to do is lose ten pounds then I'll be perfect again! It'll be perfect. Just need to work out...summer school has me exhausted tho. I took a nap today. While pretending to work. *Sighs* I'm not gonna be able to get this done in time...

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