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So I started thinking. It's good this time. Anyway, I was reading my summer reading The Glass Castle and it got me thinking about another good book I read called Let's Get Lost (very good book, highly recommend it.) Anyway, in Let's Get Lost, Leila describes a treasure in her town and Hudson goes around showing her his hometown and the treasures there. So I started thinking, what are a few treasures here where I live.

Well there's a really good BBQ place that I love to eat at! There's also a good ice cream and hotdog place on the campus of my dream college! It's called Yum Yum's! We go there for birthdays! We have Cheerwine, but that's just a state thing. An exclusive drink that is only made and sold here in North Carolina. It's pretty cool! We even read the history of when it was made! The creators turned down the opportunity to sell it nationally cause they wanted to keep it local! I'm lucky cause I go to the best school in the district even if it is still pretty sucky sometimes. The parks are absolutely gorgeous here and we have 3 lakes tho only 2 are close to where I am. I'm not a fan of construction cause the trees were so pretty, but it's always cool to see the construction and what they may be building. For the whole school year, on my bus ride I saw another section to a church being built and it was so cool seeing it progress over the whole year then being done in like April or May. There's lots of cool things around here.

It's a really nice place here. And I'm glad we're the third largest city in the state. Bands and all usually come here after going to the capital city and then the largest city so it's awesome when bands come to my city cause then I can go to their concerts. But yeah. I like living here. There's so much to see and do sometimes.

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