Chapter 25

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On the way back to my room, I passed Larson, who had just emerged from the basement and was heading towards Nathan’s den. He approached me, and only came to a stop when we were standing just inches from one another.

Larson didn’t look to be in his usual spunky mood.

“Don’t tell me.” I said dismally, “Psymon won’t rat out Atlas?”

He looked irritated. “Not won’t. Can’t,” he growled. “I even removed his other arm to get him to talk, but it didn’t do any good.” I grimaced at the image. “Don’t worry, they’ll grow back.”

That little tidbit only horrified me more.

It was strange to think that Larson could be capable of something so brutal when all he’d ever shown me was patience and kindness.  Still, what did I expect? Vampires weren’t exactly known to be soft and cuddly.

His tone was ironic. “Apparently, for security reasons, he kept his secret safe house a secret.”

I sighed, “I wish evil villains had less common-sense. It would make things so much easier.”

His lips pulled at the corners. Larson’s smirk was small, but amused. “I couldn’t agree more, love.”

“So, what the hell are we going to do now?”

The muscles in his face grew taut. “I’m not sure. Give me some time though. I’ll figure something out.”

Great. We didn’t know where Atlas was hiding, and even if we found out, we probably wouldn’t be able to do anything about it unless we had an army to back us up. Atlas and Trish were free to roam about and we still hadn’t come any closer to finding the demon who killed my sister. There was no justice in that. I mentally cursed our luck—or rather, lack of it.

“I certainly hope so,” I mumbled, stalking off in the direction of my room.

 “You going somewhere?” His tone was dry. When I looked back, he had one curious eyebrow raised, looking both interested and disapproving.

“Yes,” I replied frankly. “I’ve already cleared everything with Nathan. Kelsey and I are—”

He cut me off, “Yes, yes. I heard.” After my incredulous look, he tapped his ear in explanation. Ah, yes, super-hearing.

“Right, well…,” I continued a little frazzled, silently going over every conversation I’d ever had within his hearing distance, and feeling mildly subconscious remembering my latest conversation with Kelsey. “We’ll be back in less than an hour. If by some miracle, you come up with a plan by then, call me. I want in on it.”

Even though he nodded in agreement, I could see worry lines foring. Larson obviously didn’t think going out was a good idea. Yet, he didn’t stop me. He only said, “Certainly. If you need me, don’t hesitate to call.”

“I don’t have your number.”

“You don’t need it,” he replied with a smirk, tapping his ear once more.

I laughed, “Yeah, sure. Thanks, Larson.”

“Anytime, love. Have fun and be safe. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Don’t you mean, don’t do anything you would do?” I teased.

He ruffled my hair. “Good girl, you’re learning,” He said, before carrying on down the hall, probably off to give Nathan the same news he’d just given me.

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