Chapter 5

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We arrived at the Austin Airport two-and-a-half hours earlier than our scheduled departure time. In the parking garage, Nathan transferred my new clothes to the travel bag he’d bought me at Target, where we’d made the pit-stop after Sax Fifth Avenue. We’d also bought the essentials: travel-sized toothpaste and toothbrush, shampoo, deodorant, etc. Once packed, we made our way to the airport entrance.

“I can carry it,” I told him, feeling bad that Nathan was lugging around my stuff.

He kept a steady pace, eyes focused on our surroundings. “Don’t be absurd. It is only one bag—no trouble at all.”

That got me thinking…

“You didn’t bring anything?”

Instead of answering, Nathan picked up his pace. I had to jog practically just to keep up with his long strides as we weaved through groups of people.

“Real mature,” I mumbled.

After we checked-in and went through security, we grabbed a bite to eat. Actually, I grabbed a bite to eat. Nathan hadn’t ordered anything. When I pointed out my observation, he ignored me. No surprise there, I guess.

We sat in the restricted seating area in front of our gate terminal. There was still an hour left before our flight was scheduled to leave, but Nathan said they’d probably board the plane within the next half hour or so.

“How is your Cinnabun?”

Somehow, the word ‘Cinnabun’ coming from Nathan’s properly articulate lips seemed silly, and it thoroughly amused me. That, and it wasn’t a true Cinnabun, just the average cinnamon roll I’d bought from Ruta Maya Coffee across from our gate.

I brazenly grinned.


I shook my head, still grinning. “It’s fabulous. Here,” I said, ripping off a piece and holding it out to him, “try some.”

He narrowed his eyes in suspicion at the innocent looking morsel. “I would rather not.”

I shrugged and popped the piece into my mouth before licking the icing off my thumb and forefinger, savoring its sweet, spicy flavor.

“You’re seriously missing out,” I said, glancing up at him.

Nathan watched me intently with an unfathomable expression.

“Perhaps,” he said, rising from his seat. He offered no explanation before walking off to examine the newspapers at a nearby concession stand.

I stared with raised brows, deciding Nathan was as gorgeous as he was odd, which was very.

Twenty minutes later, just before our flight boarded, I visited the washroom to answer a call from Mother Nature. I also brought with me one of my new, winter outfits, which I changed into, because my previous outfit would so not cut it in Alaska. The jacket would remain in our one carry-on bag until we landed in Anchorage.

 By the time I returned, Nathan and I didn’t have to wait long before they called our section. We boarded, finding our seats in the middle of the plane. Nathan was kind enough to let me have the window seat.

Before take-off, one of the flight attendants went over the basics with us. I didn’t hear most of what she said however, because I was too busy trying to steady my breathing. The kid sitting behind me that kept kicking the back of my seat, however, didn’t make it easy. Annoyed and anxious, I closed my eyes and exhaled.

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