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I wake up. I rub my eyes,and my cheeks feel like tears have dried on. I only remember the last part of my dream, but I know it left a bad feeling. Harry. I hadn't spoken to Harry in a long while. I get dressed and walk out of my room. The others aren't here. I shrug it off and find Harry.


"I heard her talking, the psychic. She told the boy that her father was like her, and only one psychic had a daughter. I think we found the special one," I tell him. I've found a psychic at my college and I have her close. Well, somewhat.

"Good. Give us more information when you can, um, what's your name?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is..."


I wonder where Reece has been. It's been a while since I've seen her. Probably been hanging out with the other girls. I'll just go get a drink at Starbucks. I start heading out the door, and my roommate chimes in.

"Where you going, mate?"

"Just to Starbucks, Lou."

"Bring me back something."

"Me, too!" Niall jumps out from under the bed.

I jump, and Louis clutches his chest.

"What the hell are you doing under there, Ni? Hiw long have you been there?"

"I've been here all night. I came in at around 11:00 last night when you two went to check the mail. I crawled under Louis' bed and slept. Oh, and Louis, I think I found your pet lizard you lost a couple months ago."

Louis looks like he's gonna puke.

"Um... ew. And why, Niall, are you under there?"

"My roommate has problems with snoring. Like, bad."

"Okay.... what do you guys want?"

Niall answers first, "Can you get me a muffin?"

I nod, "Lou?"

"I want a beverage."

I roll my eyes and leave. Lou gets a water. I head over to Starbucks for everyone's orders.


I arrive at Starbucks and sit at Harry's usual table. Where is he? He loves this place. About five minutes later, Harry gets in line and I run up to him.

"Hi! Sorry I haven't gotten in touch with you lately, I've been busy."

"Reece! I missed you. What've you been doing?"

How do I tell him? I'm making this a better deal than it is... But I'm orrery sure he 'likes' me. And I 'like' him. And Brendon. I feel like these dreams have meaning, and they all involve Harry.

"I've been going out with... friends."


"Just someone. You're next."

He walks up to the counter and orders. I head over to the table and he soon joins me.

"It's Brendon, isn't it?"

"Ya, but don't be upset."

He laughs, "Reece, you're a friend. Hang out with anyone you want."

When he used the word 'friend', my heart sinks. I need to talk to someone. Dylan made out with Niall,
maybe she can help. Luna and Liam might've, but she doesn't seen like she would do that on the first date.

Harry soon finishes his drink.. "You wanna hang out?"

"Can't, I gotta find my roomies."

I hug him goodbye, holding him in my arms longer than I should've. When I get back to the dorm, the roomies are back."

"Where have you guys been?"

"We were being interviewed for some camp.. never heard of it, but apparently it's super hard to get into," Luna says.

"Cool! Chelsea's at cheer again, right?"

"Ya, but she got interviewed too."

I nod and head into my room. I wonder why I didn't get in, I mean not to sound selfish.

I get into my pajamas and get into bed. I have a date with Brendon tomorrow. Sleep slowly takes over me, and the dream comes back.

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