•Fun Facts•

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Over the year I spent working on this story, I compiled a whole list of random fun facts, so here are those

-In my original draft, Jesse died too, right after killing 303
(I'm sure most of you aren't surprised)

- Also, literally the only reason I didn't kill her was because I wanted her in the sequel
No joke, I had no other reason to keep her alive
When I was writing chapter 22, I kept thinking 'aahh, it'd be so easy to kill her right here! She doesn't have to survive!! I WANT MORE DEATH!!!' but I knew I wanted this to be canon with FD and WoWE so naahhhh there you go she survived

-Entity 303 was also going to be a past Shard that turned evil, but then I decided to save that idea for the sequel.
Which...maybe wasn't such a good idea since I'm not writing the sequel after all. Good job, me.

-Joss was named after Joss Whedon, the creator of Firefly (WHICH IS LIKE THE BEST FREAKING SHOW EVER GOSH)

-Jenni's death was based on Newt's in the Death Cure (haha you probably noticed that)

-The whole reason I wrote this fanfic was because I am extremely fed up with Story Mode fics that include both male and female Jesse for no reason at all.
Oh wait no, some of them do have a reason: they want to be able to ship Jetra and Lukesse.
*throws a chair*
It also really bugs me when their names are 'Jesse' and 'Jess' (or some other annoying variation of that), and a lot of times they're twins. Sometimes I'll even flat-out refuse to read a fic because it has both Jesses, even if it looks fairly interesting.
And because I'd rather not get mad, but get even, I decided to write a fic that stars not both, but all of the Jesses.

-Since I've finished this, I've actually started another story that involves multiple Jesses. That one's called Parallels, though I took a VERY different route with the whole idea lol.

-Jenni is loosely based on an IRL family friend named Jennifer. This is because they kind of look alike- Jennifer even had red in her hair at one point.

-I was originally going to create my own villain, but Entity 303 just...sprung into my mind, and I thought it would be fun to use an MC creepypasta that WASN'T Herobrine.

-I basically just took everything I don't like about MCSM fanfictions, reversed it, and turned it into a story xD

-If you've read the prologue of Forgotten Demons, you've probably noticed that the 'red-eyed man' has the same name as Entity 303. They are...connected...but tbh I don't know if that'll actually mean anything in the Author trilogy, since Entity 303 isn't part of that and Zelos is only minorly important in the backstory of the Torivors.
Well. The part of the backstory that was going to be shown in War of Wither's End. He's important in their full backstory, but most of that wasn't going to come into the Author Trilogy at all.

-the chapter from Petra's POV was literally just an excuse to add more Luktra.
That one was originally going to include all of the Order (and Ivor) and be from Olivia's point of view, but I decided I'd rather take the Luktra path

-Jesse's name was originally going to be Julie, but I decided to leave it and don't remember why

-The animated statues were not a reference to Hero in Residence- I wrote this way before that came out, and was a little shocked at my future-predicting skills.

-Jandro was originally going to be straight, and I noticed this while going through my original plan and laughed for like ten minutes flat.
Originally, he didn't have much character development at all. He was just kinda there. Once I started writing him, though, I found out how much I liked the way he spoke, how he acted, and how much fun it was to mess with his character. By the time I decided he had a crush on Justin, he was one of my favorite characters to write (overall, not just in this story)

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