Neko!Tom x Reader

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F/G = favorite game


you sat on the couch playing {F/G} on your phone until you heard crashing down inside the basement. Matt and Tord were out shopping and edd was in his room. well was until he ran down the stairs. " did you hear that?" he asked you. you nodded and followed him down the other stair case.  you've been down here a lot because there were 4 rooms and they were basically your "creative houses" as you called it. only one room had its door open just a little...

Tord's Room.

you and Edd looked at each other. hopefully it was nothing and you didnt have to fight a monster or something. you took the lead and slowly opened the door with caution. you look through the door to see... Tom? with cat ears and tail? 

he turned around and you and Edd began to laugh. he turned into a tomato of embarrassment. "you're so ADORABLE" you squealed. you could of sworn he blushed an even darker shade and smiled a little but he was the same as before

Once you stopped laughing, Edd finally asked, "what were you doing in here anyways?""i was chasing Ringo who had my guitar pick, and ran into a machine. i guess it morphed us together." he replied. you just smiled like a goofball. your crush was even cuter than before, now.


you were playing {F/G} again, but then you saw a cat in a blue hoodie pad up to you and sit next to you. you, of course, being the idiot you are, fangirled inside.

you heard the door click and looked over to see Matt and Tord with groceries and stuff.


Tord: were ho- The hell happened to Tom?

Tom just held up his paw, and flipped him off. you were silently surprised. 

Edd: he got morphed with Ringo. ill tell you the story later but it involved your machines.

Tord laughed his heart out while tom padded away. you followed him to his room. he laid on his bed and his head perked up when you came in.

tom: aren't you supposed to be laughing with them downstairs?

you: i don't want to do that to you... and i... need to tell you something...

tom looked at you in confusion, then gestured you with his tail to come sit next to him on the bed. once you did he stood up and padded onto your lap before curling up and purring. you were a little startled at his actions, but just pet his head with love and care. you then began to speak after a while.

You: tom...

Tom: yes, {Y/N}?

there's no going back now. 

You: I love you!

tom stopped purring and looked at you. his cold black eyes began to feel warm and happy. he hopped off your lap and morphed back into a neko before holding your chin between his index and thumb. you looked at him and was shocked to feel his lips connect with yours. you tensed up before relaxing and kissing him back. 

you never wanted this moment to end.

you both separated from each other.

tom: i love you too...

you heard voices behind the door and turned to look at it. you rolled your eyes before calling, "we know your there!". the voices then stopped before the door opened, revealing 3 goofy nuggets. tom then swept you off your feet before saying, "lets make some lunch!"


the next day, tom was back to normal, and you both mentally agreed, that you both loved each other, and had a Purrrrrrrfect relationship

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